Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Francesco Nori, researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology, and coordinator of the European Project CoDyCo (where we are partners), visited our team for one month. During this visit, we wrote together a proposal for a H2020 project that was submitted in April 2016 and was subsequently accepted: the project, AnDy, will start in January 2017.

  • John Rieffel, Associate Professor at Union College (NY, USA), visited our team for a month. During his visit, we used Bayesian optimization to learn gaits for a soft tensegrity robot. A paper has been submitted.

  • Jamie Waugh, master student of University of Waterloo, visited our team for 3 months (from September to December) thanks to a MITACS-Inria grant.