Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
European Initiatives
FP7 & H2020 Projects
The goals of FLAMINGO are (a) to strongly integrate the research of leading European research groups in the area of network and service management, (b) to strengthen the European and worldwide research in this area, and (c) to bridge the gap between scientific research and industrial application.
In 2016, our research activities in Flamingo have been focused on (a) the analysis and evaluation of OpenFlow message usage for security applications, in particular to enable fast deployment and reconfiguration of mitigation technique (6.2.4) in cooperation with Universitaet Der Bundeswehr Muenchen; (b) passive monitoring of Internet-of-Things using the RPL protocol in cooperation with the Jacobs University Bremen; (c) monitoring of HTTPS traffic to identify user services without necessity of decrypting (6.1.4) and (d) low-footprint Internet wide scanning using our WISCAN software developed last year.
We have pursued leading the standardization activities of the project (WP leader).
Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020
Project title: Real-Time support for heterogenous networks in automotive applications
Other partners: TCN (Sweden), Alkit (Sweden), Viktoria (Sweden), TNO (Netherlands), Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Italy), Evidence (Italy), University of Lorraine (France)
Abstract: The project will develop integrated software tools to predict, simulate, test and support real-time communication in heterogeneous vehicular networks. The tool set will allow SMEs and larger industry to design, develop and evaluate time-critical applications such as advanced safety systems and autonomous vehicles. This will put high requirements on both in-vehicle infrastructure, as well as vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to infrastructure utilizing the next generation of mobile networks for ITS.