Section: New Software and Platforms

Functional Description

  • Participants: Mathrisk project team and contributors

  • Partners: Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - Inria - Université Paris-Est - Consortium Premia

  • Contact: Agnès Sulem

  • URL: http://www.premia.fr

  • AMS: 91B28;65Cxx;65Fxx;65Lxx;65Pxx

  • License: Licence Propriétaire (genuine license for the Consortium Premia)

  • OS/Middelware: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows

  • APP: The development of Premia started in 1999 and 17 are released up to now and registered at the APP agency. Premia 16 has been registered on 0303/2015 under the number IDDN.FR.001.190010.013.S.C.2001.000.31000

  • Programming language: C/C++

  • Documentation: scientific documentation of all the algorithm implemented. PNL has a 100 pages user documentation

  • Size of the software: For the Src part of Premia : 337046 lines , that is 14 Mbyte of code, and 117 Mbyte of PDF files of documentation; For PNL: 747952 lines , that is 25 MO.

  • interfaces : Nsp for Windows/Linux/Mac, Excel, binding Python, and a Web interface.

  • Publications: [15], [68], [75], [83], [86], [56], [66].