Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Weak KAM beyond Hamilton-Jacobi (WKBHJ). Started 2013 (decision ANR-12-BS01-0020 of December 19, 2012), duration: 4 years. L. Rifford is in the scientific committee.
Sub-Riemannian Geometry and Interactions (SRGI). Started 2015 (decision ANR-15-CE40-0018), duration: 4 years. L. Rifford is a member.
Intéractions Systèmes Dynamiques Équations d'Évolution et Contrôle (ISDEEC). Started 2016 (decision ANR-16-CE40-0013), duration: 4 years. L. Rifford is a member.
The McTAO team participates in the GdR MOA, a CNRS network on Mathematics of Optimization and Applications.
PEPS project of AMIES Labex, "Dealing with exclusion constraints in orbital transfer" with Thalès Alenia Space (PI J.-B. Caillau). This project funded two master internships during summer 2016 (M. Brunengo and Y. El Alaoui Faris, co-supervised with T. Dargent from Thalès).
PGMO grant (2016-2017) on "Metric approximation of minimizing trajectories and applications" (PI J.-B. Caillau). This project involves colleagues from Université Paris Dauphine and has funding for one year, including one intership (M2 level).
J.-B. Caillau is associate researcher of the team Optimization & Control at ENSTA-Paristech and of the CNRS team Parallel Algorithms & Optimization team at ENSEEIHT, Univ. Toulouse.