Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Fanny Chevalier [correspondent] , Nicolas Roussel, Stéphane Huot.

TAN stands for Transitions animées, i.e. Animated transitions. This web site illustrates some of our past research on this topic. It combines videos and live demonstrations of Histomages, an image editing tool that associates pixel and color space; Diffamation, an animation tool to follow and understand the modifications made to a document over time; and Gliimpse, a markup language editor (e.g. HTML, LaTeX, Wiki) to instantly switch from source code to the document it produces and vice versa. The source code for the three demonstrators (about 87,000 lines of Java and JavaScript) is not distributed for the moment.

Web site: http://tan.lille.inria.fr/

Software characterization: [A-4] [SO-2] [SM-3] [EM-2] [SDL-4]