Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Jonathan Le Roux, Shinji Watanabe, John R. Hershey: Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL, Boston, USA)

  • Robust speech recognition [11], [55]

  • Dayana Ribas Gonzalez, Ramón J. Calvo: CENATAV (Habana, Cuba)

  • Robust speaker recognition [42]

Participation in Other International Programs

STIC-AmSud - multimodal communication corpus
  • STIC-AmSud: MCC - Multimodal Communication Corpus. A collaboration: Argentina, Chile and France (01/2015-12/2016)

  • Project acronym: MCC

  • Project title: Multimodal Communication Corpus

  • Duration: January 2015 - December 2016

  • International Coordinator: S. Ouni

  • National Coordinators: Nancy Hitschfeld (Depto. de Ciencias de la Computación (DCC), Universidad de Chile) - Chile; and, Juan Carlos Gomez (Centro Internacional Franco Argentino de Ciencias de la Información y de Sistemas (CIFASIS), UNR, CONICET) - Argentina

  • Abstract: The project aims to collect a multimodal speech corpus containing synchronized audio-visual data recorded from talking individuals. The corpus will incorporate several communication modes which appear in the communication among humans, such as the acoustic signal, facial movements and body gestures during speech. During 2016, a complete corpus of 8 speakers (4 French and 4 Spanish) has been acquired and processed. The corpus will be distributed using the Ortolang platform.

PHC UTIQUE - HMM-based Arabic speech synthesis
  • PHC UTIQUE - HMM-based Arabic speech synthesis, with ENIT (Engineer school at Tunis-Tunisia)

  • Duration: 2015 - 2018.

  • Coordinators: Vincent Colotte (France) and Noureddine Ellouze (Tunisia).

  • Abstract: Development of an HMM-based speech synthesis system for the Arabic language. This includes the development of an Arabic speech corpus, the selection of linguistic features relevant to Arabic HMM-based speech synthesis, as well as improving the quality of the speech signal generated by the system.