Section: New Software and Platforms
Anticipatory Score Following and Real-time Language
Functional Description. Antescofo is a modular polyphonic Score Following system as well as a Synchronous Programming language for musical composition. The first module allows for automatic recognition of music score position and tempo from a realtime audio Stream coming from performer(s), making it possible to synchronize an instrumental performance with computer realized elements. The synchronous language (DSL) within Antescofo allows flexible writing of time and interaction in computer music.
The design of the Antescofo DSL clearly benefits of a strong and continuous involvement in the production of world-class composer pieces and their continuous recreation throughout the world. These interactions motivate new developments, challenge the state of the art and in return, opens new creative dimensions for composers and musicians. The maturity of the system is assessed by the generalization of its use in a large proportion of Ircam new productions, and its use outside Ircam all around the world (Brasil, Chile, Cuba, Italy, China, US, etc.). Antescofo enjoys an active community of 150 active users: