Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
We are collaborating with Slawek Staworko (LINKS and Algomus, Lille – on leave at U. Edinburgh in 2016), and the Algomus group at Lille, in the context of our projects on rhythm transcription described at Sections 5.2 and 6.2. This collaboration led this year to the following publications: [23], [22].
We are pursuing a long term collaboration with Masahiko Sakai (U. Nagoya) on term rewriting techniques and applications (in particular applications related to rhythm notation) [19], [27].
MuTant team collaborates with Bucharest Polytechnic University, in the framework of Grig Burloiu's PhD Thesis on AscoGraph UIX design which has resulted in a the new design of AscoGraph (see 5.4) and publications [13], [32], [33].
MuTant team collaborated with researchers at National Institute of Informatics of Tokyo on real-time Symbolic Alignment of music data [56].