Section: New Results
Scaling Clouds
Heterogeneous Resource Management
Participants : Baptiste Goupille-Lescar, Ancuta Iordache, Christine Morin, Manh Linh Pham, Nikos Parlavantzas, Guillaume Pierre, Arnab Sinha.
High performance in the cloud with FPGA virtualization
Participants : Ancuta Iordache, Guillaume Pierre.
Cloud platforms are becoming increasingly heterogeneous, with the availability of large numbers of virtual machine instance types as well as accelerator devices such as GPUs. In collaboration with Maxeler technologies, we have proposed a technique to virtualize FPGAs and make them available as first-class high-performance computation devices in the cloud [24]. The increasing variety of computation, storage and networking resources in the cloud is an opportunity for adjusting the provisioned resources to the individual needs of each application, but making an informed choice is extremely difficult. We therefore proposed application profiling techniques which can automatically identify the configuration which provides the best performance/cost tradeoff [49]. These two results were developed as part of the HARNESS European project, and they constitute Anca Iordache's PhD thesis [50]. FPGA virtualization is being further developed by Maxeler technologies toward commercial exploitation, and application profiling has been integrated in the open-source ConPaaS platform.
Multi-cloud application execution
Participants : Manh Linh Pham, Nikos Parlavantzas, Arnab Sinha.
Within the PaaSage European project, we improved and extended the Adapter subsystem, the part of the PaaSage platform that dynamically adapts the application deployment to changes in current runtime conditions [45]. Specifically, we added full support for causal connection between the running system and the runtime model and extended the plan validation functionality to use historical reconfiguration information. Moreover, we assisted industrial PaaSage partners with applying the PaaSage platform in diverse business scenarios.
Adaptive resource management for high-performance, multi-sensor systems
Participants : Baptiste Goupille-Lescar, Christine Morin, Nikos Parlavantzas.
In the context of our collaboration with Thales Research and Technology, we are applying cloud resource management techniques to high-performance, multi-sensor, embedded systems with real-time constraints. The objective is to increase the flexibility and efficiency of resource allocation in such systems, enabling the execution of dynamic sets of applications with strict QoS requirements. In 2016, we focused on characterising the targeted applications and platforms and developing a simulator in order to explore relevant resource management solutions. This work is performed in the context of Baptiste Goupille-Lescar's PhD work.
Distributed Cloud Computing
Participants : Nikos Parlavantzas, Jean-Louis Pazat, Guillaume Pierre, Genc Tato, Cédric Tedeschi, Alexandre Van Kempen.
Application self-optimization in multi-cloud environments
Participant : Nikos Parlavantzas.
Current approaches to application adaptation in multi-cloud environments are typically static, platform dependent, complex, and error prone. To address these limitations, we are combining the use of software product lines (SPLs) with models@run-time techniques. This work is performed in the context of the thesis of Carlos Ruiz Diaz, a PhD student at the University of Guadalajara, co-advised by Nikos Parlavantzas. The work focuses on the development of an SPL-based framework supporting initial cloud configuration as well as proactive, dynamic adaptation in a systematic, platform-independent way. The evaluation of this framework is currently in progress.
Edge clouds
Participants : Guillaume Pierre, Genc Tato, Cédric Tedeschi, Alexandre Van Kempen.
Mobile edge cloud computing aims to deploy cloud resources even closer to the end users, typically within mobile network access points. This is useful for hyper-interactive applications such as augmented reality which demand ultra-low network latencies (2-5 ms) between the end-user device and the cloud instances serving it. In contrast, current mobile networks exhibit network latencies in the order of 50-150 ms between the device and any cloud. We extended the ConPaaS open-source cloud platform to support the deployment of cloud applications in a distributed set of Raspberry Pi machines: instead of reaching the cloud through a wide-area network, in this setup each cloud node is also equipped with a wifi hotspot which allows local users to access it directly [53]. This work is ongoing, and a paper on this topic is currently being reviewed.
Getting closer to the edge user can be done through provisioning computing resources in Points of Presence (PoPs) within the telco's backbone network. The Discovery project [52] aims at revisiting the OpenStack Cloud stack to allow to disperse several smaller cloud facilities and connect them together to make them appear as a single Cloud entity. Genc Tato's PhD aims at proposing the building blocks on top of such an infrastructure to abstract out the network, route queries, store and retrieve objects (VMs and data). We have devised an overlay network to support such functionalities keeping in mind to maximise the laziness of the maintenance protocol to avoid any useless cost. A paper is being written on the subject.
Community Clouds
Participant : Jean-Louis Pazat.
Hosting services on an edge infrastructure based on devices owned and operated by end-users may be interesting for serving a community of users. However, these devices (such as internet boxes, disks or small computers have heterogeneous capabilities and no guaranteed availability. It is therefore challenging to ensure to the guest application a minimal hosting service level, like availability or Quality of Service. The management of the hosting service should adapt to the characteristics of the infrastructure. We are designing an architecture for a middleware capable of adapting the deployment of services on edge devices to ensure a given Quality of Service to access the service. While the middleware requires a minimal knowledge of the underlying infrastructure, its adaptation decisions are based on the feedbacks of users of the deployed service, like measured network latency. The environment relies on the use of micro-services which are composed to build the end-user services. This allows many adaptation strategies to adapt the system during run-time.
Scaling workflows with GinFlow
Participants : Matthieu Simonin, Cédric Tedeschi.
In 2016, we deployed GinFlow over 800 cores of the Grid'5000 platform, running Montage workflows comprising 118 tasks, and artificial workflows made of more than 3000 tasks. The ability of GinFlow to support adaptation and versioning of workflow with seamless transitions between workflow alternatives at runtime has been validated experimentally and presented on the Inria booth at SuperComputing in November 2016. These results have been presented at the IPDPS conference [32], and have been submitted to a journal special issue on workflows.