Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Prof. Andre L.F. de Almeida from (Universidade Federal do Ceara, Fortaleza, Brazil) visited the team in June 2015 within the framework of the French-Brazilian CAPES-COFECUB project TICO-MED.
Dr. Thibault Liard (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI) visited the team in November. He gave a seminar to the team with the title “A Kalman rank condition for the indirect controllability of coupled systems of linear operator groups” and discussed with M. L. Delle Monache on traffic flow modeling and control using conservation laws.
Visits to International Teams
Research Stays Abroad
Maria Laura Delle Monache and Giacomo Casadei visited UC Berkeley in December. They had research meeting with faculty and students at ITS and PATH and in particular with Prof. M. Arcak.
A. Kibangou visited the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (Port Elizabeth) and the University of Johanesburg (UJ) in May 2016. During his stay, he gave a lecture to students of Department of Town and Regional Planning of UJ on Mobility and traffic management.
A. Kibangou visited Universidade Federal do Ceara (UFC) in Fortaleza (Brazil) in November 2016 within the framework of the Tico-Med bilateral project. During his stay, he worked with Prof. Andre L.F. de Almeida on tensor models for graph filters and gave a course on Graph Signal Processing to researchers and doctoral students of UFC.