Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organization, General Chairs, Scientific Chairs

  • “FCA4AI 2016”. Amedeo Napoli organized with Sergei O. Kuznetsov (HSE Moscow) and Sebastian Rudolph (TU Dresden) the fifth workshop FCA4AI (“What can do FCA for Artificial Intelligence”) which was associated with the ECAI Conference in The Hague (Netherlands, August 2016, see http://www.fca4ai.hse.ru/2016 and http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1703) [53].

Scientific Animation
  • The scientific animation in the Orpailleur team is based on the Team Seminar which is called the “Malotec” seminar (http://malotec.loria.fr/?p=1). The Malotec seminar is held in general twice a month and is used either for general presentations of members of the team or for invited presentations of external researchers.

  • Members of the Orpailleur team are all involved, as members or as head persons, in various national research groups.

  • The members of the Orpailleur team are involved in the organization of conferences and workshops, as members of conference program committees (ECAI, ECML-PKDD, ICCBR, ICDM, ICFCA, IJCAI, KDD...), as members of editorial boards, and finally in the organization of journal special issues.