Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Signal Processing Theory and Methods (2012–2017), and a member of the Awards sub-committee.
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the program committee of the GRETSI.
Rémi Gribonval is a member of the Steering Committee of the SPARS international workshop (chairman until 2013).
Frédéric Bimbot is the Head of the "Digital Signals and Images, Robotics" department in IRISA (UMR 6074).
Frédéric Bimbot is a member of the International Advisory Council of ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).
Rémi Gribonval and Frédéric Bimbot are the scientific coordinators of the Science and Music Day (Journée Science et Musique) organized by IRISA.
Antoine Deleforge organized and co-chaired with Prof. Sharon Gannot (Bar-Ilan University) a special session on “Learning-Based Sound Source Localization and Spatial Information Retrieval” at ICASSP 2016, Shanghai, China.
N. Bertin, A. Deleforge, and R. Gribonval co-organized a special session entitled “From Source Position to Room Properties : Learning Methods for Audio Scene Geometry Estimation”, at the 2017 LVA/ICA Conference, Grenoble, February 2017
R. Gribonval was the organizer of a special session on “Multiscale Factorizations and Learning”, at the 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Cambridge, UK, September 2016
R. Gribonval was guest editor of a special issue of IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, on Structured Matrices in Signal and Data Processing.
F. Bimbot was an invited speaker at the Dagstuhl Seminar 16092 on Computational Music Structure Analysis (February 2016, Dagstuhl, Germany)
R. Gribonval was an invited speaker at the London Workshop on Sparse Signal Processing (Imperial College, September 2016), the DALI (Data Learning and Inference) Workshop on Learning Theory (Sestri Levante, March 2016), the Workshop on Computational and Statistical Trade-offs in Learning (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, March 2016), and the Workshop on Low Complexity Models in Signal Processing (Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, February 2016).
R. Gribonval is a member of the jury of the GDR ISIS / GRETSI / Club EAA thesis prize in signal and image processing since 2014.