Section: New Results

Formal and legal issues of privacy

Participant : Daniel Le Metayer.

  • Privacy by design Based on our previous work on the use of formal methods to reason about privacy properties of system architectures, we have proposed a logic to reason about properties of architectures including group authentication functionalities. By group authentication, we mean that a user can authenticate on behalf of a group of users, thereby keeping a form of anonymity within this set. Then we show that this extended framework can be used to reason about privacy properties of a biometric system in which users are authenticated through the use of group signatures.

  • Privacy Risk Analysis Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) are recognized as a key step to enhance privacy protection in new IT products and services. They will be required for certain types of products in Europe when the future General Data Protection Regulation becomes effective. From a technical perspective, the core of a PIA is a privacy risk analysis (PRA), which has so far received relatively less attention than organizational and legal aspects of PIAs. We have proposed a rigorous and systematic methodology for conducting a PRA and illustrated it with a quantified-self use-case.

    The smart grid initiative promises better home energy management. However, there is a growing concern that utility providers collect, through smart meters, highly granular energy consumption data that can reveal a lot about the consumer’s personal life. This exposes consumers to a large number of privacy harms, of various degrees of severity and likelihood: surveillance by the government and law-enforcement bodies, various forms of discrimination etc. A privacy impact assessment is vital for early identification of potential privacy breaches caused by an IT product or service and for choosing the most appropriate protection measures. So, a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) template for smart grids has been developed by the Expert Group 2 (EG2) of the European Commission’s Smart Grid Task Force (SGTF). To carry out a true privacy risk analysis and go beyond a traditional security analysis, it is essential to distinguish the notions of feared events and their impacts, called “privacy harms" here, and to establish a link between them. The Working Party 29 highlights the importance of this link in its feedback on EG2’s DPIA. We have provided in [11] a clear relationship among harms, feared events, privacy weaknesses and risk sources and described their use in the analysis of smart grid systems.

    Although both privacy by design and privacy risk analysis have received the attention of researchers and privacy practitioners during the last decade, to the best of our knowledge, no method has been documented yet to establish a clear connection between these two closely related notions. We have proposed a methodology to help designers select suitable architectures based on an incremental privacy risk analysis. The analysis proceeds in three broad phases: 1) a generic privacy risk analysis phase depending only on the specifications of the system and yielding generic harm trees; 2) an architecture-based privacy risk analysis that takes into account the definitions of the possible architectures of the system and yields architecture-specific harm trees by refining the generic harm trees and 3) a context-based privacy risk analysis that takes into account the context of deployment of the system (e.g., a casino, an office cafeteria, a school) and further refines the architecture-specific harm trees to yield context-specific harm trees which can be used to take decisions about the most suitable architectures. To illustrate our approach, we have considered the design of a biometric access control system. Such systems are now used commonly in many contexts such as border security controls, work premises, casinos, airports, chemical plants, hospitals, schools, etc. However, the collection, storage and processing of biometric data raise complex privacy issues. To deal with these privacy problems in biometric access control, a wide array of dedicated techniques (such as secure sketches or fuzzy vaults) as well as adaptations of general privacy preserving techniques (such as encryption, homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation) have been proposed. However, each technique solves specific privacy problems and is suitable in specific contexts. Therefore, it is useful to provide guidance to system designers and help them select a solution and justify it with respect to privacy risks. We have used as an illustration of context a deployment in casinos. The verification of the identities of casino customers is required by certain laws (to prevent access by minors or individuals on blacklists) which can justify the implementation of a biometric access control system to speed up the verification process.