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Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Application Domains
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Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms

DICA : Discrete Independent Component Analysis

Functional Description

Moment Matching for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Discrete Independent Component Analysis (DICA).

The DICA package contains Matlab and C++ (via Matlab mex files) implementations of estimation in the LDA and closely related DICA models.

The implementation consists of two parts. One part contains the efficient implementation for construction of the moment/cumulant tensors, while the other part contains implementations of several so called joint diagonalization type algorithms used for matching the tensors. Any tensor type (see below) can be arbitrarily combined with one of the diagonalization algorithms (see below) leading, in total, to 6 algorithms.

Two types of tensors are considered: (a) the LDA moments and (b) the DICA cumulants. The diagonalization algorithms include: (a) the orthogonal joint diagonalization algorithm based on iterative Jacobi rotations, (b) the spectral algorithm based on two eigen decompositions, and (c) the tensor power method.