Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • In class teaching

    • Master : Marta Avalos teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France.

    • Master : Robin Genuer, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health (M1 Santé publique, M2 Biostatistique, M2 Informatique médicale, M2 Santé internationale, M2 épidémiologie).

    • Master : Boris Hejblum, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health (M1 Santé publique, M2 Biostatistique, M2 Informatique médicale, M2 Santé internationale, M2 épidémiologie).

    • Master : Robin Genuer, MSS du collège ST, intervention dans le cours de Statistique en grande dimension.

    • Master : Rodolphe Thiébaut, teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health, and he is head of the Epidemiology specialty of the second year of the Master of Public Health.

    • Master : Laura Richert teaches in the two years of the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France (M2 Biostatistiques).

    • Master : Laura Richert teaches in the Master of Vaccinology at UPEC (University Paris-Est-Créteil), France.

    • Master : Chloe Pasin is a teaching assistant for the two years of the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France.

    • Master : Laura Villain is a teaching assistant for the two years of the Master of Public Health at ISPED, Univ. Bordeaux, France

    • Bachelor : Laura Richert teaches in PACES and DFASM1-3 for Medical degree at Univ. Bordeaux, France

    • Summer School: All the SISTM team member teach in the ISPED Summer school.

  • E-learning

    • Marta Avalos is head of the first year of the e-learning program of the Master of Public Health, and teaches in it.

    • Mélanie Prague teaches in the Diplôme universitaire "Méthodes statistiques de régression en épidémiologie".

    • Laura Richert teaches in the Diplôme universitaire "Recherche Clinique".

    • Rodolphe Thiébaut is head of the Epidemiology specialty of the second year of the e-learning program of the Master of Public Health, and teaches in it.

    • Robin Genuer and Perrine Soret participate to the IdEx Bordeaux University "Défi numérique" project "BeginR" (http://beginr.moutault.net/).


  • PhD in progress : Wenjia Wang "Modèle de Rasch" (CIFRE, co-direction avec Mickael Guedj Pharnext), from Oct 2015, directed by Daniel Commenges.

  • PhD in progress : Laura Villain "Modélisation de l'effet du traitement par injection IL7" (CIFRE, co-direction avec Rodolphe Thiébaut), from Oct 2015, directed by Daniel Commenges.

  • PhD in progress : Perrine Soret, Modélisation de données longitudinales en grande dimension, from Oct 2014, directed by Marta Avalos.

  • PhD in progress : Mélanie Née Recherche et caractérisation de profils attentionnels : mieux comprendre la place de l'attention dans la survenue des accidents de la vie courante, from Oct 2015, co-directed by Emmanuel Lagarde (60%), Cédric Galera (20%), Marta Avalos (20%)

  • PhD in progress : Chloé Pasin, Modelling the immune response to HIV vaccine, from Sep 2015, co-directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut and Francois Dufour

  • PhD in progress : Edouard Lhomme, Analyse des déterminants de la réponse immunitaire post-vaccination dans des stratégies vaccinales expérimentales, from Oct 2016, directed by Laura Richert.

  • PhD in progress : Hadrien Lorenzo, Analyses de données longitudinales de grandes dimensions appliquées aux essais vaccinaux contre le VIH et Ebola, from Oct 2016, co-directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut and Jérôme Saracco.

  • Master internship : Hao Ren "Contribution au développement d'un outil statistique d'aide à la décision en sport de haut niveau", directed by Marta Avalos and Perrine Soret (01/03/2016-12/08/2016)

  • Master internship : Madelyn Rojas "Practices for the provision of prior information in Bayesian Logistic Regression: Application in MAVIE project", directed by Marta Avalos and David Conesa (11/07/2016-09/09/2016)

  • Master internship : Thomas Blondel "Application of Bayesian linear models to sports science data", directed by David Conesa and Marta Avalos (05/04/2016 - 04/06/2016)

  • Master internship : Julie Havas "Application of Bayesian Logistic Regression to the mavie study of home and leaisure injury", directed by David Conesa and Marta Avalos (05/04/2016 - 04/06/2016)

  • Master internship : Thomas Esnaud "Etude de la méthode de clustering par forêts aléatoires, applications à la reconnaissance automatique de populations cellulaires.", directed by Robin Genuer (14/03/2016 - 31/08/2016)

  • Master internship : Lise Mandigny "Revue systématique et Méta-analyse des essais cliniques publiés de développement de vaccins contre le virus Ebola", directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut (1/04/2016 - 31/09/2016)

  • Master internship : Stella Huang "Modélisation de l'infection à pseudomonas aeruginosa dans les services de réanimation ? étude DYNAPYO", directed by Rodolphe Thiébaut (11/02/2016 - 15/08/2016)

  • Master project : B Dufoyer, A Chevalier, H Aassif, A Labchri, projet de programmation du Master 1 Informatique, Univ Bordeaux. Titre : " Développement d'un outil de prévention des accidents de la vie courante à partir de méthodes de machine learning : site web et bases de données ", directed by Marta Avalos and L Orriols, M Travanca, L Divert, INSERM U1219. (11/01/2016-12/04/2016)

  • Master project : N Craeye, C Elassaoui, F Elouazi, B Faltrept, projet de programmation du Master 1 Informatique, Univ Bordeaux. Titre : " Développement d'un outil de mesure de l'attention via internet ", directed by Marta Avalos and M Née, L Divert, E Lagarde, INSERM U1219. (11/01/2016-12/04/2016)


  • Daniel Commenges was involved in two PhD defences as president of the jury: Leila Azarang (Vigo), Anais Rouanet (Bordeaux).

  • Robin Genuer was in charge of the reports of the PhD of Havelund Welling, entitled "Characterization of absorption enhancers for orally administered therapeutic peptides in tablet formulations", defended on 30/09/2016 in Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby

  • Mélanie Prague is a member of the follow-up dissertation comity of Sébastien Benzkcry's PhD student (Inria Bor- deaux Sud-ouest, MONC team). Nicolo Chiara is working on "Mathematical modeling of systemic aspects of cancer and cancer therapy".  

  • Rodolphe Thiébaut took part in the HDR committee of Vivian Viallon (2016) and Francesco Salvo (2016)  

  • Robin Genuer took part in the recruitment commission MCF CNU 26 (Toulouse 2016)  

  • Rodolphe Thiébaut took part in the recruitment commissions PU CNU 26 (Paris Descartes 2016), MCF CNU 26 (Bordeaux 2016), MCF CNU 85 (Bordeaux 2016).