Section: New Results
Software Radio Programming Model
Dataflow programming model
The advent of portable software-defined radio (SDR) technology is tightly linked to the resolution of a difficult problem: efficient compilation of signal processing applications on embedded computing devices. Modern wireless communication protocols use packet processing rather than infinite stream processing and also introduce dependencies between data value and computation behavior leading to dynamic dataflow behavior. Recently, parametric dataflow has been proposed to support dynamicity while maintaining the high level of analyzability needed for efficient real-life implementations of signal processing computations. The team developed a new compilation flow [5] that is able to compile parametric dataflow graphs. Built on the LLVM compiler infrastructure, the compiler offers an actor-based C++ programming model to describe parametric graphs, a compilation front end for graph analysis, and a back end that currently matches the Magali platform: a prototype heterogeneous MPSoC dedicated to LTE-Advanced. We also introduce an innovative scheduling technique, called microscheduling, allowing one to adapt the mapping of parametric dataflow programs to the specificities of the different possible MPSoCs targeted. A specific focus on FIFO sizing on the target architecture is presented. The experimental results show compilation of 3GPP LTE-Advanced demodulation on Magali with tight memory size constraints. The compiled programs achieve performance similar to handwritten code.
The memory subsystem of modern multi-core architectures is becoming more and more complex with the increasing number of cores integrated in a single computer system. This complexity leads to profiling needs to let software developers understand how programs use the memory subsystem. Modern processors come with hardware profiling features to help building tools for these profiling needs. Regarding memory profiling, many processors provide means to monitor memory traffic and to sample read and write memory accesses. Unfortunately, these hardware profiling mechanisms are often very complex to use and are specific to each micro-architecture. The numap library [44], [31] is dedicated to the profiling of the memory subsytem of modern multi-core architectures. numap is portable across many micro-architectures and comes with a clean application programming interface allowing to easily build profiling tools on top of it.
This numap library as been officially integrated into Turnus, a profiler dedicated to dynamic dataflow programs.
Implementation of filters and FFTs on FPGAs
In collaboration with two researchers from Inria AriC, we have worked on a digital filter synthesis flow targeting FPGAs [46]. Based on a novel approach to the filter coefficient quantization problem, this approach produces results which are faithful to a high-level frequency-domain specification. An automated design process is also proposed where user intervention is limited to a very small number of relevant input parameters. Computing the optimal value of the other parameters not only simplifies the user interface: the resulting architectures also outperform those generated by mainstream tools in accuracy, performance, and resource consumption.
In collaboration with researchers from Isfahan, Iran, a multi-precision Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) module with dynamic run-time reconfigurability has been proposed [3] to trade off accuracy with energy efficiency in an SDR-based architecture. To support variable-size FFT, a reconfigurable memory-based architecture is investigated. It is revealed that the radix-4 FFT has the minimum computational complexity in this architecture. Regarding implementation constraints such as fixed-width memory, a noise model is exploited to statistically analyze the proposed architecture. The required FFT word-lengths for different criteria, (bit-error rate (BER), modulation scheme, FFT size, and SNR) are computed analytically and confirmed by simulations in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. At run-time, the most energy-efficient word-length is chosen and the FFT is reconfigured until the required application-specific BER is met. Evaluations show that the implementation area and the number of memory accesses are reduced. The results obtained from synthesizing basic operators of the proposed design on an FPGA show energy consumption saving of over 80 %.
Tools for FPGA development
The pipeline infrastructure of the FloPoCo arithmetic core generator has been completely overhauled [34], [23]. From a single description of an operator or datapath, optimized implementations are obtained automatically for a wide range of FPGA targets and a wide range of frequency/latency trade-offs. Compared to previous versions of FloPoCo, the level of abstraction has been raised, enabling easier development, shorter generator code, and better pipeline optimization. The proposed approach is also more flexible than fully automatic pipelining approaches based on retiming: In the proposed technique, the incremental construction of the pipeline along with the circuit graph enables architectural design decisions that depend on the pipeline. These allow pipeline-dependent changes to the circuit graph for finer optimization. This is particularly important for the filter structures already mentioned [46].
In parallel, we also started to study the integration of arithmetic optimizations in high-level synthesis (HLS) tools [48]. HLS is a big step forward in terms of design productivity. However, it restricts data-types and operators to those available in the C language supported by the compiler, preventing a designer to fully exploit the FPGA flexibility. To lift this restriction, a source-to-source compiler may rewrite, inside critical loop nests of the input C code, selected floating-point additions into sequences of simpler operator using non-standard arithmetic formats. This enables hoisting floating-point management out the loop. What remains inside the loop is a sequence of fixed-point additions whose size is computed to enforce a user-specified, application-specific accuracy constraint on the result. Evaluation of this method demonstrates significant improvements in the speed/resource usage/accuracy trade-off.
Computer Arithmetic
In collaboration with researchers from Istanbul, Turkey, operators have also been developed for division by a small positive constant [49]. The first problem studied is the Euclidean division of an unsigned integer by a constant, computing a quotient and a remainder. Several new solutions are proposed and compared against the state of the art. As the proposed solutions use small look-up tables, they match well the hardware resources of an FPGA. The article then studies whether the division by the product of two constants is better implemented as two successive dividers or as one atomic divider. It also considers the case when only a quotient or only a remainder are needed. Finally, it addresses the correct rounding of the division of a floating-point number by a small integer constant. All these solutions, and the previous state of the art, are compared in terms of timing, area, and area-timing product. In general, the relevance domains of the various techniques are very different on FPGA and on ASIC.
On the software side, we have also shown, in collaboration with researchers from LIP and the Kalray company, that correctly rounded elementary functions can be implemented more efficiently using only fixed-point arithmetic than when classically using floating-point arithmetic [24]. A purely integer implementation of the correctly rounded double-precision logarithm outperforms the previous state of the art, with the worst-case execution time reduced by a factor 5. This work also introduces variants of the logarithm that input a floating-point number and output the result in fixed-point. These are shown to be both more accurate and more efficient than the traditional floating-point functions for some applications.