Section: Research Program
Multi-User Communications
Participants : Jean-Marie Gorce, Claire Goursaud, Nikolai Lebedev, Samir Perlaza, Leonardo Sampaio-Cardoso.
While the first and the third research axes deal with the optimization of the cognitive radio nodes themselves from system and programming point of view, an important complementary objective is to consider the radio nodes in their environments. Indeed, cognitive radio does not target the simple optimization of point to point transmissions, but the optimization of simultaneous concurrent transmissions. The tremendous development of new wireless applications and standards currently observed calls for a better management of the radio spectrum with opportunistic radio access, cooperative transmissions and interference management. This challenge has been identified as one of the most important issue for 5G to guarantee a better exploitation of the spectrum. In addition, mobile internet is going to support a new revolution that is the tactile internet, with real time interactions between the virtual and the real worlds, requiring new communication objectives to be met such as low latency end to end communications, distributed learning techniques, in-the-network computation, and many more. The future network will be heterogeneous in terms of technologies, type of data flows and QoS requirements. To address this revolution two work directions have naturally formed within the axis. The first direction concerns the theoretical study of fundamental limits in wireless networks. Introduced by Claude Shannon in the 50s and heavily developed up to today, Information Theory has provided a theoretical foundation to study the performance of wireless communications, not from a practical design view point, but using the statistical properties of wireless channels to establish the fundamental trade-offs in wireless communications. Beyond the classical energy efficiency - spectral efficiency tradeoff, information theory and its many derivations, i.e., network information theory, may also help to address additional questions such as determining the optimal rates under decentralized policies, asymptotic behavior when the density of nodes increases, latency controled communication with finite block-length theory, etc... In these cases, information theory is often associated to other theoretical tools such as game theory, stochastic geometry, control theory, graph theory and many others.
Our first research direction consists in evaluating specific mulit-user scenarios from a network information theory perspective, inspired by practical scenarios from various applicative frameworks (e.g. 5G, Wifi, sensor networks, IoT, etc...), and to establish fundamental limits for these scenarios. The second research direction is related to algorithmic and protocol design (PHY/MAC), applied to practical scenarios. Exploiting signal processing, linear algebra inspired models and distributed algorithms, we develop and evaluate various distributed algorithms allowing to improve many QoS metrics such as communication rates, reliability, stability, energy efficiency or computational complexity.
It is clear that both research directions are symbiotic with respect to each other, with the former providing theoretical bounds that serves as a reference to the performance of the algorithms created in the later. In the other way around, the later offers target scenarios for the former, through identifying fundamental problems that are interesting to be studied from the fundamental side. Our contributions of the year in these two directions are summarized further in the document.