Section: Dissemination


  • STEEP team has organized a series of conferences entitled “Understanding and Acting” (six conferences in 2016). The conferences has been filmed, edited and posted on the video-sharing website, YouTube. A total of more than 500 people have attended to the conferences. The conferences received more than 2000 YouTube views (December 2016).



  • Emmanuel Prados gave a “conférence-débat” at “Marie Reynoard” High school on “Sustainable development, territorial governance and democracy” (Villard-Bonnot, France, 16th of December, 2016).

  • Emmanuel Prados gave a conference at the “Café In” of Inria Sophia-Antipolis entitled “Comprendre les phénomènes d’effondrement de sociétés. Quel avenir pour la nôtre ?” (Sophia-Antipolis, France, 10th of November, 2016).

  • Emmanuel Prados has organized a workshop in collaboration with the EP SCOT Grenoble on the land-use and transport modelling and on its potential application to the follow up of the Grenoble' SCOT project (Grenoble, France, 14th of October, 2016). Representatives of all the main political and administrative authorities of Grenoble area attended to this workshop (Région Rhône-Alpes, Département of Isère, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, AURG, municipalities communities of Grenoble employment catchment areas).