Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Teaching administration
Samuel Thibault is responsible for the computer science topic of the first university semester.
Samuel Thibault is responsible for the creation of the new Licence Pro ADSILLH (Administrateur et Développeur de Systèmes Informatiques sous Licences Libres et Hybrides)
Denis Barthou is responsible for the cyber-security, systems and networks 3rd year of the ENSEIRB-MATMECA engineering school.
Raymond Namyst is Vice-chair of the Computer Science Training Department of University of Bordeaux
Licence : Marie-Christine Counilh, Introduction to Computer Science, 64HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Marie-Christine Counilh, Introduction to C Programming, 52HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Introduction to Computer Science, 32HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Networking, 51HeTD, L3, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Computer Architecture, 77HeTD, L2, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Samuel Thibault, Tutored project, 10HeTD, L3, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Pierre-André Wacrenier, Introduction to Computer Science, 64HeTD, L1, University of Bordeaux
Licence : Terry Cojean, Networking, 40HeTD, L1, IUT Bordeaux
Licence : Terry Cojean, Object Oriented Programming, 24HeTD, L3, IUT Bordeaux
Master : Luka Stanisic, Operating Systems, 22HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Samuel Thibault, Operating Systems, 22HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Marie-Christine Counilh, Object Oriented Programming, 30HeTD, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Raymond Namyst, Operating Systems, M1, University of Bordeaux
Master : Pierre-André Wacrenier and Raymond Namyst, Parallel Programming, M1, University of Bordeaux
Engineering School: Samuel Thibault, Information System Security, 13HeTD, M1, ENSEIRB-MATMECA/IPB
Engineering School: Olivier Aumage, Languages and Supports for Parallelism, 14HeTD, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMECA/IPB joint with University of Bordeaux
Engineering School: Olivier Aumage, High Performance Communication Libraries, 20HeTD, M2, ENSEIRB-MATMECA/IPB joint with University of Bordeaux
Engineering School: Denis Barthou, Compilation, Architecture, Architecture for HPC, real-time 3D at ENSEIRB-MATMECA (around 200HeTD), from L3 to M2.
PhD: Gregory Vaumourin, Hybrid Memory Hierarchy and Dynamic Data Handling in Embedded Parallel Architectures, University of Bordeaux, defended in Nov 2016, advisors: Denis Barthou, Alexandre Guerre (CEA), Thomas Dombek (CEA)
PhD: Marc Sergent, Passage à l'échelle d'un support d'exécution à base de tâches pour l'algèbre linéaire dense, University of Bordeaux, defended in Dec 2016, advisors: Raymond Namyst, Olivier Aumage, Samuel Thibault, David Goudin (CEA)
PhD in progress: Suraj Kumar, Task-based programming paradigms and scheduling, 2013/12, Emmanuel Agullo, Olivier Beaumont, Samuel Thibault
PhD in progress: Terry cojean, Programming heterogeneous machines using moldable tasks, 2014/09, Pierre-André Wacrenier, Abdou Guermouche, Raymond Namyst
PhD in progress: Christopher Haine, Estimating efficiency and automatic restructuration of data layout, 2014/01, Olivier Aumage, Denis Barthou
PhD in progress: Arthur Loussert, Ressource (co)Allocation in HPC systems, 2016/10, Raymond Namyst, Marc Perache (CEA), Benoît Welterlen (ATOS)
PhD in progress: Raphaël Prat, Load Balancing in Molecular Dynamics, 2016/10, Raymond Namyst, Laurent Colombet (CEA)
Denis Barthou has participated to the following PhD juries
Abdul Wahid MEMON, U. Versailles St Quentin, Jun 2016 (reviewer)
Abderrahmane Nassim HALLI, U. of Grenoble, Sep 2016 (reviewer)
Raymond Namyst has participated to the following PhD juries