Application Domains
Application Domains

Section: Application Domains

Mesh-based applications

TADaaM targets scientific simulation applications on large-scale systems, as these applications present huge challenges in terms of performance, locality, scalability, parallelism and data management. Many of these HPC applications use meshes as the basic model for their computation. For instance, PDE-based simulations using finite differences, finite volumes, or finite elements methods operate on meshes that describe the geometry and the physical properties of the simulated objects. This is the case for at least two thirds of the applications selected in the 9th PRACE. call (http://www.prace-ri.eu/prace-9th-regular-call/), which concern quantum mechanics, fluid mechanics, climate, material physic, electromagnetism, etc.

Mesh-based applications not only represent the majority of HPC applications running on existing supercomputing systems, yet also feature properties that should be taken into account to achieve scalability and performance on future large-scale systems. These properties are the following:


Datasets are large: some meshes comprise hundreds of millions of elements, or even billions.


In many simulations, meshes are refined or coarsened at each time step, so as to account for the evolution of the physical simulation (moving parts, shockwaves, structural changes in the model resulting from collisions between mesh parts, etc.).


Many meshes are unstructured, and require advanced data structures so as to manage irregularity in data storage.


Due to their rooting in the physical world, meshes exhibit interesting topological properties (low dimensionality embedding, small maximum degree, large diameter, etc.). It is very important to take advantage of these properties when laying out mesh data on systems where communication locality matters.

All these features make mesh-based applications a very interesting and challenging use-case for the research we want to carry out in this project. Moreover, we believe that our proposed approach and solutions will contribute to enhance these applications and allow them to achieve the best possible usage of the available resources of future high-end systems.