Application Domains
Application Domains

Section: Dissemination


Brice Goglin is in charge of the diffusion of the scientific culture for the Inria Research Center of Bordeaux. He organized several popularization activities in the center. He also gave several talks about computer architecture, high performance computing, and research careers to general public audience, school students, teachers, or even to non-expert Inria colleagues.

Brice Goglin was involved in the design of the section about fondamentals of computer science in the 2017 massive open online course that will help teachers of the new ICN section in schools (Informatique et Création Numérique). It was filmed for 10 video sequences (about an hour in total).

François Pellegrini was filmed during a 3-hour conference on author's rights, in the context of the MAPI'Days, to serve as an on-line training for personnel and students of Université de Bordeaux (https://fad.u-bordeaux.fr/course/view.php?id=740).

François Pellegrini is the author of an opinion piece on digital sovereignty in newspaper Le Monde (http://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2016/06/24/la-souverainete-numerique-passe-par-le-logiciel-libre_4957781_3232.html).

François Pellegrini is the co-author of a booklet on free/libre software licenses edited by Pôle Systematic Paris Région & Pôle Aquinetic, which is now in its second edition (http://systematic-paris-region.org/sites/default/files/content/page/attachments/LivretBleu_Juridique_GT-LogicielLibre_Systematic_Mai2016_web.pdf).

In the context of the decree authorizing the TES (Titres Électroniques Sécurisés) file, François Pellegrini published a set of three blog posts (starting with http://www.pellegrini.cc/2016/11/la-biometrie-des-honnetes-gens/), which have been cited and linked by several French newspapers (Libération, Mediapart, NextInpact). He also participated in a debate on the same subject, organised by the Ligue des droits de l'Homme de Gironde (http://ldh-gironde.org/jeudi-15-decembre-2016-a-18h30-rencontre-debat-autour-du-mega-fichier-tes/).

François Pellegrini delivered a talk on Freedom and the ethics of informatics during a seminar on Technologies, ethics and cognition organized by the bouddhist group Dhagpo Bordeaux, in partnership with Cap Sciences and Université de Bordeaux (http://www.dhagpo-bordeaux.org/seminaire-technologies-ethique-cognition/).

François Pellegrini was filmed, during an interview on Innovation and free/libre licenses, for the ULab Innov+ MOOC.