Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Member of the Organizing Committees
Anne Auger, co-organizer of the GECCO workshop on Black Box Optimization Benchmarking.
Nikolaus Hansen, co-organizer of the GECCO workshop on Black Box Optimization Benchmarking.
Marc Schoenauer, Steering Committee, Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN); Steering Committee, Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN (LION).
Michele Sebag, President of Steering Committee, Eur. Conf. on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD).
Isabelle Guyon, co-organizer of two NIPS workshops (Challenges in Machine Learning and Spatio-temporal time series), co-organizer of AutoML workshop at ICML, co-organizer of LAP challenge workshops (ECCV, ICPR).
Paola Tubaro, co-organizer of the Second European Social Networks (EUSN) Conference.
Member of Conference Program Committees
All TAO members are members of the Program Committees of the main conferences in the fields of Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computation, and Information Processing.
All TAO member review papers for the most prestigious journals in the fields of Machine Learning and Evolutionary Computation.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Anne Auger, member of Editorial Board, Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press.
Gregory Grefenstette, member of Editorial Board, Journal of Natural Language Engineering, Cambridge University Press.
Isabelle Guyon, action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
Isabelle Guyon, series editor, Microtome book series Challenges in Machine Learning (CiML).
Nikolaus Hansen, member of Editorial Board, Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press.
Marc Schoenauer, member of Advisory Board, Evolutionary Computation Journal, MIT Press; member of Editorial Board, Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Machines, Springer Verlag; action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research(JMLR).
Michèle Sebag: Editorial Board, Machine Learning, Springer Verlag.
Olivier Teytaud, action editor, Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR).
Paola Tubaro, member of Associate Editorial Board, Sociology, Sage; member of Editorial Board, Revue Française de Sociologie, Presses de Sciences Po.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
All members of the team reviewed numerous articles for international conferences and journals.
Invited Talks
Isabelle Guyon. 17 Oct. ENS SMILE seminars. Network Reconstruction: the Contribution of Challenges in Machine Learning.
Michele Sebag, 24 Mar., Nutrition personnalisée et alimentation sur mesure, AgroParisTech.
Michele Sebag, 12 Oct., Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Franco-Japanese Symposium. Tokyo
Paola Tubaro. 8 Mar. University of Insubria (Italy) economics department seminar. Investigating peer effects and performance similarity in organizational networks: a longitudinal study.
Paola Tubaro. 15 Mar. EHESS seminar. Sociabilité et soutien social dans les communautés en ligne autour des troubles de l’alimentation.
Paola Tubaro. 2 Nov. UQAM (Montréal), Seminar of the health communication research center (ComSante). Le phénomène 'pro ana' : Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux.
Paola Tubaro. 8 Nov. Université Laval (Québec), Seminar of the CELAT research center. Le phénomène 'pro ana' : Troubles alimentaires et réseaux sociaux.
Leadership within the scientific community
Isabelle Guyon, President and co-founder of ChaLearn, a non-for-profit organization dedicated to the organization of challenge.
Marc Schoenauer, elected Chair of ACM-SIGEVO (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation), July 2015 (2-years term).
Marc Schoenauer, founding President of SPECIES (Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation In Europe and Surroundings), that organizes the yearly series of conferences EvoStar.
Michèle Sebag, elected Chair of Steering Committee, ECML-PKDD; head of the Research Committee of Labex Digicosme.
Paola Tubaro, convenor of the Social Network Analysis Group of British Sociological Association.
Scientific expertise
Cécile Germain, evaluator for the H2020 calls: ICT-2015 Topic ICT-16 – Big Data - research
Gregory Grefenstette, evaluator for FU21, Cap Digital, Digiteo (IASI) review board
Gregory Grefenstette, project reviewer for the H2020 (SemCare): Information and Communication Technologies ICT
Michele Sebag, evaluator for the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
Paola Tubaro, evaluator for ANR, SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation), and National Science Center (Poland).
Research administration
Philippe Caillou, elected member of the Scientific Council and Academic Council.
Cécile Germain, elected member of the U-PSUD Scientific Council and of its board. University officer for scientific computing. Deputy head of the computer science departement, in charge of research, member of the Board of the Lidex Center for Data Science.
Marc Schoenauer, Délégué Scientifique (aka VP-Research) for the Inria Saclay Île-de-France branch until June 2016; co-chair (with Sylvain Arlot) of the Maths-STIC program of the Labex of Mathematics Hadamard (LMH).
Michele Sebag, deputy director of LRI, CNRS UMR 8623; elected member of the Research Council of Univ. Paris-Saclay; member of the STIC department council; member of the Board of the Lidexes Institut de la Société Numérique and Center for Data Science.
Paola Tubaro, member of the steering team, MSH Paris-Saclay, axis 1 "Power of algorithms".