Section: New Results
Traveling salesman and the tree: the importance of search in CP
The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a challenging optimization problem for CP and OR that has many industrial applications. Its generalization to the degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem (DCMSTP) is being intensively studied by the OR community. In particular, classical solution techniques for the TSP are being progressively generalized to the DCMSTP. Recent work on cost-based relaxations has improved CP models for the TSP. However, CP search strategies have not yet been widely investigated for these problems. The contributions of this paper are twofold. We first introduce a natural generalization of the weighted cycle constraint (WCC) to the DCMSTP. We then provide an extensive empirical evaluation of various search strategies. In particular, we show that significant improvement can be achieved via our graph interpretation of the state-of-the-art Last Conflict heuristic. (see Constraints journal)