Section: Dissemination


  • A. Charguéraud is one of the three organizers of the Concours Castor informatique http://castor-informatique.fr/. The purpose of the Concours Castor in to introduce pupils (from CM1 to Terminale) to computer sciences. 475,000 teenagers played with the interactive exercises in November 2016.

  • S. Boldo is a speaker for a MOOC for computer science teachers. She was also invited to Poitiers in November 2016 to discuss with teachers and present this MOOC.

  • S. Boldo was invited to a panel about teaching computer science before university in Besançon in June 2016 during the GDR GPL days.

  • During the “Fête de la science” on October 14th to 16th, S. Boldo gave several talks about computer arithmetic to teenagers and F. Faissole run a stand about an introduction to programming with robots.

  • S. Boldo and F. Voisin did an introduction to computer science with an activity on computer hardware as a 1-hour extracurricular activity in schools for pupils in CM1-CM2 on October 4th.

  • S. Boldo gave a talk during a girls & maths weekend on November 22nd. See http://www.animath.fr/spip.php?article2897&lang=fr.