Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence : Laurent Navoret, Nonlinear optimisation (108h eq. TD)
Licence : Philippe Helluy, scientific computing (70h eq. TD)
Licence : Michel Mehrenberger, Scientific computing (65 h eq. TD)
Licence : Michel Mehrenberger, nonlinear optimization (18 h eq. TD)
Licence : Michel Mehrenberger, mathematics for chemistry (56h eq. TD)
Licence: Michaël Gutnic, Mathematics for biology, (84h eq. TD)
Licence: Michaël Gutnic, Statistic for biology, (65h eq. TD)
Master 1: Philippe Helluy, operational research (50h eq. TD)
Master 1: Michaël Gutnic, probability and statistic, (30h eq. TD)
Master 2 (Agrégation) : Laurent Navoret, scientific computing (50h eq. TD)
Master 2 (Cellar physic) : Laurent Navoret, Basics in maths (24h eq. TD)
Master 2 (Agrégation) : Michel Mehrenberger, scientific computing (28h eq. TD)
Master 2: Sever Hirstoaga "two-scales convergence" (24h eq. TD)
PhD defended (december 2016): Thi Trang Nhung Pham, "Méthodes numériques pour Vlasov", Advisors: Philippe Helluy, Laurent Navoret.
PhD defended (december 2016): Michel Massaro, "Méthodes numériques pour les plasmas sur architectures multicœurs", Advisor: Philippe Helluy.
PhD in progress: Pierre Gerhard, "Résolution des modèles cinétiques. Application à l'acoustique du bâtiment.", October 2015, Advisors: Philippe Helluy, Laurent Navoret.
PhD in progress: Bruno Weber, "Optimisation de code Galerkin Discontinu sur ordinateur hybride. Application à la simulation numérique en électromagnétisme", March 2015, Advisor: Philippe Helluy.
PhD in progress: Nicolas Bouzat, "Fine grain algorithms and deployment methods for exascale codes", October 2015, Advisors: Michel Mehrenberger, Jean Roman, Guillaume Latu.
PhD in progress: Mustafa Gaja, "Compatible finite element method and preconditioning", December 2015, Advisors: E. Sonnendruecker (IPP, germany), A. Ratnani (IPP), E. Franck
PhD in progress: Conrad Hillairet, "Implicit Boltzmann scheme and Task Parallelization for MHD simulations", November 2016, Advisors: Philippe Helluy, E. Franck
PhD in progress: Ksander Ejjaouani, "Conception of a programmation model, application to gyrokinetic simulations", October 2015, Advisors: Michel Mehrenberger, Julien Bigot, Olivier Aumage.
Philippe Helluy:
Michel Mehrenberger: