Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


  • ANR project PEPPSI (models for edge plasma physic in Tokamak) in Programme Blanc SIMI 9, started in 2013. Participants, G. Manfredi (coordinator), S. Hirstoaga, D. Coulette.

    Participants : Giovanni Manfredi [coordinator] , Sever Adrian Hirstoaga.


The TONUS project belongs to the IPL FRATRES (models and numerical methods for Tokamak). The annual meeting has been organized in Strasbourg by Emmanuel Franck and Philippe Helluy.

IPL C2S@exa

The TONUS and HIEPACS projects have obtained the financial support for the PhD thesis of Nicolas Bouzat thanks to the IPL C2S@exa (computational sciences at exascale). Nicolas Bouzat works at CEA Cadarache and is supervised locally by Guillaume Latu; the PhD advisors are Michel Mehrenberger and Jean Roman.

Competitivity clusters

  • GENCI projet : "Simulation numérique des plasmas par des méthodes semi-lagrangiennes et PIC adaptées". 450 000 scalar computing hours on CURIE_standard (January 2016-January 2017); coordinator: Michel Mehrenberger

    Participants : Sever Adrian Hirstoaga, Guillaume Latu, Michel Mehrenberger, Thi Nhung Pham, Christophe Steiner, Yann Barzamian.