Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Promotion of Mathematics in the industry
M. Deaconu and A. Lejay were invited to give a talk at ILAC, Luxembourg in March 2016.
A. Lejay has been appointed as representative of Inria Nancy-Grand Est in the Agence Mathématiques et Entreprise (AMIES).
D. Talay continued to serve as the Vice-President of the Fondation d'Entreprise Natixis which aims to contribute to develop research in quantitative finance. He also serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation.
D. Talay continued to serve as a member of the Scientific Committee of the AMIES National Agency aimed to promote interactions between Mathematics and Industry.
Scientific Events Organisation
N. Champagnat and M. Deaconu organized the mini-symposium “Un panorama de progrès récents sur les méthodes numériques probabilistes” at CANUM 2016 (Congrès d'Analyse Numérique) at Obernai in July 2016.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
N. Champagnat served as a member of the program committee of CARI 2016 (13ème Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées), Tunis, 10–14 octobre 2016.
A. Lejay is member of the conference program committees of CANUM 2016 (Obernai, France) and Journées de Probabilités 2016 (Le Mans, France).
D. Talay served as a member of the XIIIth France-Romania Colloquium in Applied Mathematics.
E. Tanré served as a member of the program committee of the International Conference on Mathematical NeuroScience (ICMNS 2016), Juan les Pins.
Member of the Editorial Boards
M. Bossy served as an Associate Editor of Annals of Applied Probability.
N. Champagnat served as an Associate Editor of Stochastic Models.
A. Lejay is one of the three editors of the Séminaire de Probabilités.
D. Talay served as an Associate Editor of: Stochastic Processes and their Applications, ESAIM Probability and Statistics, Stochastics and Dynamics, Journal of Scientific Computing, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, Oxford IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science, Éditions de l'École Polytechnique. He also served as the Co-editor in chief of MathematicS in Action.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
M. Deaconu wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
A. Lejay wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Journal of Computational Mathematics, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Mathematical Reports, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Communications in Mathematical Physics,, Real Analysis Exchange , Annals of Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability.
E. Tanré wrote reviews for manuscripts submitted to Applied Mathematical Finance, Bernoulli, European Journal of Applied Mathematics.
E. Tanré serves has a permanent reviewer of Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet)
D. Villemonais wrote reviews for Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society (MathSciNet) and for manuscripts submitted to Stochastic processes and applications and Theoretical Population Biology.
Invited Talks
M. Bossy has been invited to give a talk at the seminar of the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, in May.
M. Bossy has been invited to give a seminar talk at the Rencontre Niçoise de Mécanique des Fluides, at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur in Nice, June
M. Bossy has been invited to give a talk at the symposium SDE approximation at the International Conference on Monte Carlo techniques, In Paris, July.
N. Champagnat has been invited to give talks at the conference Stochastic PDE's, Large Scale Interacting Systems and Applications to Biology in Orsay in March, to the CMO-BIRS workshop Stochastic and Deterministic Models for Evolutionary Biology in Oaxaca, Mexico, in August and at the conference Probabilistic structures in deterministic population genetics in Vienna in November.
N. Champagnat has been invited to give seminar talks at TOSCA seminar in Inria Sophia Antipolis in April, at the MAPMO probability seminar in October and at the seminar Méthodes probabilistes et statistiques en dynamique des populations in Grenoble in December.
N. Champagnat has been invited to give a lecture at the CIMPA School Mathématiques pour la Biologie (4h) in Tunis in October.
M. Deaconu was invited to give a talk at the Colloque Franco Roumain de Mathématiques Appliquées, Iaşi (Romania) in August 2016.
C. Fritsch has been invited to give talks at the Workshop on “Approche Interdisciplinaire en Evolution” in Saint-Martin-de-Londres in December.
A. Lejay has been invited to give talk at the Workshop on Numerical Schemes of SDE and SPDE in Lille in June 2016, and at the International Conference on Monte Carlo techniques in Paris in July 2016.
A. Lejay has ben invited to give a seminair talk at the Université de Reims in February 2016.
P. Pigato gave talks at the Probability Seminar of Luxembourg University, in January, at the Seminar of TOSCA-Sophia Antipolis, in February, at the Seminar of CIMFAV (Valparaíso) in March, at the Journées de Probabilités 2016, in May, at the Probability Seminar of Università degli studi di Padova, in June, and at the London-Paris Bachelier Workshop on Mathematical Finance in September.
A. Richard gave seminar talks at the LPMA (Paris 6) Probability seminar and the IMT (Toulouse) probability seminar in February, at the Groupe de Travail on stochastic models in finance at Ecole Polytechnique and at the Barcelona probability seminar in April.
D. Talay gave a lecture at the Mean-field and population-level descriptions of brain dynamics Meeting in February at the EITN, Paris, the opeing lecture at the conference in V. Konokov's honor in Moscow in June, a mini-course at Lille University in June, and an invited lecture at the Workshop on the Numerics for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and their Applications at RICAM, Linz (Austria) in December.
E. Tanré gave talks at LPMA (Paris 6) and at the workshop on Numerical schemes for SDEs and SPDEs in Lille in June.
D. Villemonais has been invited to give talks at the workshop Stochastic processes under constraints in July in Augsburg, Germany, at the conference Colloque franco-roumain de mathématiques in August in Iaşi, Romania, and at the School on Information and Randomness in December in Santiago, Chile.
D. Villemonais has been invited to give seminar talks at Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck in February, at the Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée in Strasbourg in November, and at the Modal'X seminar in Nanterre in December.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
A. Lejay is the head of the Probability and Statistics team of the Institut Élie Cartan since September 2016.
A. Lejay was a member of the Administration Council of the SMAI until June 2016.
D. Talay continued to chair the Scientific Council of the French Applied Math. Society SMAI.
D. Talay served as a member of the scientific council of the Complex System academy of the UCA Idex.
D. Talay is serveing as a member of the committee in charge of preparing the application of Paris to the International Congress of Mathematicians 2022.
Scientific Expertise
N. Champagnat reported on an application submitted to CONICYT (Chilean Funding Agency).
M. Deaconu has been a member of the Committee for junior permanent research positions of Inria Nancy - Grand Est.
A. Lejay reported on applications to National Science Centre of Poland.
A. Lejay participated in a Professor position recruitment committee at Université de Lorraine.
Research Administration
M. Bossy is an elected member of the Inria Evaluation Board.
N. Champagnat is a member of the Commission de Développement Technologique and the Commission Information Scientifique et Technique of Inria Nancy - Grand Est, a subsitute member of the Comité de Centre of Inria Nancy - Grand Est (until Nov. 2016), Responsable Scientifique for the library of Mathematics of the IECL, member of the Conseil du laboratoire of IECL (as responsable scientifique of the library). He is also local correspondent of the COERLE (Comité Opérationel d'Évaluation des Risques Légaux et Éthiques) for the Inria Research Center of Nancy - Grand Est. This year, together with Aline Wagner (Inria Nancy - Grand Est), he finished to write the new version of the application form for research approval by the COERLE.
M. Deaconu is a member of the Bureau du Comité de Projets of Inria Nancy - Grand Est, and of the Comité de Projet of Inria Nancy - Grand Est.
A. Lejay is a member of the COMIPERS of Inria Nancy Grand-Est and of Commission des thèses of the Institut Élie Cartan (Nancy).