Section: New Results
Geometry of the Loewner order and application to the synthesis of quadratic invariants in static analysis of program
Participants : Xavier Allamigeon, Stéphane Gaubert, Nikolas Stott.
This work is in collaboration with Éric Goubault and Sylvie Putot (from LIX).
We introduce a new numerical abstract domain based on ellipsoids designed for the formal verification of switched linear systems. The novelty of this domain does not consist in the use of ellipsoids as abstractions, but rather in the fact that we overcome two key difficulties which so far have limited the use of ellipsoids in abstract interpretation. The first issue is that the ordered set of ellipsoids does not constitute a lattice. This implies that there is a priori no canonical choice of the abstraction of the union of two sets, making the analysis less predictable as it relies on the selection of good upper bounds. The second issue is that most recent works using on ellipsoids rely on LMI methods. The latter are efficient on moderate size examples but they are inherently limited by the complexity of interior point algorithms, which, in the case of matrix inequality problems, do not scale as well as for linear programming or second order cone programming problems.
We developed a new approach, in which we reduce the computation of an invariant to the determination of a fixed point, or eigenvector, of a non-linear map that provides a safe upper-approximation of the action induced by the program on the space of quadratic forms. This allows one to obtain invariants of systems of sized inaccessible by LMI methods, at the price of a limited loss of precision. A key ingredient here is the fast computation of least upper bounds in Löwner ordering, by an algebraic algorithm. This relies on the study of the geometry of the space of quadratic forms (Section 7.2.3).
A first part of this work is described in the article [16], which is the extended version of [65] which won the best paper award at the conference EMSOFT 2015. Followup work is dealing with the extension of these results to switched affine systems with guards.
Performance evaluation of an emergency call center based on tropical polynomial systems
Participants : Xavier Allamigeon, Vianney Boeuf, Stéphane Gaubert.
This work arose from a question raised by Régis Reboul from Préfecture de Police de Paris (PP), regarding the analysis of the projected evolution of the treatment of emergency calls (17-18-112). This work benefited from the help of LtL Stéphane Raclot, from Brigade de Sapeurs de Pompiers de Paris (BSPP). It is part of the PhD work of Vianney Bœuf, carried out in collaboration with BSPP.
We introduced an algebraic approach which allows to analyze the performance of systems involving priorities and modeled by timed Petri nets. Our results apply to the class of Petri nets in which the places can be partitioned in two categories: the routing in certain places is subject to priority rules, whereas the routing at the other places is free choice.
In [62], we introduced a discrete model, showing that the counter variables, which determine the number of firings of the different transitions as a function of time, are the solutions of a piecewise linear dynamical system. Moreover, we establish that in the fluid approximation of this model, the stationary regimes are precisely the solutions of a set of lexicographic piecewise linear equations, which constitutes a polynomial system over a tropical (min-plus) semifield of germs.
In essence, this result shows that computing stationary regimes reduces to solving tropical polynomial systems. Solving tropical polynomial systems is one of the most basic problems of tropical geometry. The latter provides insights on the nature of solutions, as well as algorithmic tools. In particular, the tropical approach allows one to determine the different congestion phases of the system.
We applied this approach to a case study relative to the project led by Préfecture de Police de Paris, involving BSPP, of a new organization to handle emergency calls to Police (number 17), Firemen (number 18), and untyped emergency calls (number 112), in the Paris area. We initially introduced, in [62], a simplified model of emergency call center, and we concentrated on the analysis of an essential feature of the organization: the two level emergency procedure. Operators at level 1 initially receive the calls, qualify their urgency, handle the non urgent ones, and transfer the urgent cases to specialized level 2 operators who complete the instruction. We solved the associated system of tropical polynomial equations and arrived at an explicit computation of the different congestion phases, depending on the ratio of the numbers of operators of level 2 and 1.
We subsequently developed a more complex model, taking into account the different characteristics of the calls to 17 and 18, and developed a realistic simulation tool to validate the results. Moreover, in [28], we developed an alternative model, relying on fluid Petri nets (dynamical systems with piecewise affine vector fields). We showed that the fluid and discrete models have the same stationary regimes, and that some pathological features of the discrete model (anomalous periodic orbits appearing under certain arithmetical conditions) vanish in the fluid Petri net case.
Smart Data Pricing
Participants : Marianne Akian, Jean-Bernard Eytard.
This work is in collaboration with Mustapha Bouhtou (Orange Labs).
The PhD work of Jean-Bernard Eytard concerns the optimal pricing of data trafic in mobile networks. We developed a bilevel programming approach, allowing to an operator to balance the load in the network through price incentives. We showed that a subclass of bilevel programs can be solved in polynomial time, by combining methods of tropical geometry and of discrete convexity. This work has been presented in [31].