Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects


  • Challenge: Provide access and training in imaging technologies, and share the best practice and image data in order to make Euro-BioImaging an engine that will drive European innovation in imaging research and technologies


  • Objective: Euro-BioImaging is a large-scale pan-European research infrastructure project on the

  • European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap.

  • Duration: December 2010 - 2016

  • Coordinators: Jan Ellenberg (EMBL) and Oliver Speck (University of Magdeburg)

  • Partner: EMBL (Germany); Erasmus Medical Center (Netherlands) for WG11

  • Inria contact: C. Kervrann, Christian Barillot

  • Abstract: Euro-BioImaging is a pan-European infrastructure project whose mission is to build a distributed imaging infrastructure across Europe that will provide open access to innovative biological and medical imaging technologies for European researchers. The project is funded by the EU and currently the consortium is finalizing the basic principles for the operation of future Euro-BioImaging organisation.

    Euro-BioImaging will be governed by representatives of the European countries that will join Euro- BioImaging (Euro-BioImaging member states).

    The infrastructure established by Euro-BioImaging will consist of a set of geographically distributed but strongly interlinked imaging facilities (Euro-BioImaging Nodes), which will be selected among the leading European imaging facilities based on an independent evaluation process.

    Inria and the VisAGeS team is involved through the FLI national infrastructure and contributes to the WG11 Working Group on Data Storage and Analysis. This WG performs a series of tasks to define a European Biomedical Imaging Data Storage and Analysis infrastructure plan for the construction phase.

H2020 OpenAire-Connect
  • Program: E-INFRA

  • Topic: EINFRA-22-2016

  • Type of Action: RIA

  • Project acronym: OpenAIRE-Connect

  • Project title: OpenAIRE - CONNECTing scientific results in support of Open Science

  • Acceptation date: 01/09/2016

  • Open Science is around the corner. Scientists and organizations see it as a way to speed up, improve quality and reward, while policy makers see it as a means to optimize cost of science and leverage innovation. Open Science is an emerging vision, a way of thinking, whose challenges always gaze beyond its actual achievements. De facto, today’s scientific communication ecosystem lacks tools and practices to allow researchers to fully embrace Open Science. OpenAIREConnect aims to provide technological and social bridges, and deliver services enabling uniform exchange of research artefacts (literature, data, and methods), with semantic links between them, across research communities and content providers in scientific communication. It will introduce and implement the concept of Open Science as a Service (OSaaS) on top of the existing OpenAIRE infrastructure, delivering out-of-the-box, on-demand deployable tools. OpenAIRE-Connect will adopt an end-user driven approach (via the involvement of 5 prominent research communities), and enrich the portfolio of OpenAIRE infrastructure production services with a Research Community Dashboard Service and a Catch-All Notification Broker Service. The first will offer publishing, interlinking, packaging functionalities to enable them to share and re-use their research artifacts (introducing methods, e.g. data,software, protocols). This effort, supported by the harvesting and mining “intelligence” of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, will provide communities with the content and tools they need to effectively evaluate and reproduce science. OpenAIRE-Connect will combine dissemination and training with OpenAIRE’s powerful NOAD network engaging research communities and content providers in adopting such services. These combined actions will bring immediate and long-term benefits to scholarly communication stakeholders by affecting the way research results are disseminated, exchanged, evaluated, and re-used.

    In this project VisAGeS is acting, through CNRS, as the French coordinator to develop the link with the Neuroimaging research community. This will be performed in the context of the FLI-IAM national infrastructure

Collaborations in European Programs, Except FP7 & H2020

  • Program: KIC-EIT: European Institute of Innovation and Technology

  • Project acronym: e-Health

  • Project title: Innovation for healthy living and active ageing

  • Acceptation date: 01/12/2014

  • website: http://eithealth.eu/about-us/

  • EIT Health aims to promote entrepreneurship and develop innovations in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europe with new opportunities and resources. EIT Health will enable citizens to lead healthier and more productive lives by delivering products, services and concepts that will improve quality of life and contribute to the sustainability of healthcare across Europe. EIT Health is a strong, diverse and balanced partnership of best-in-class organisations in education, research, technology, business creation and corporate and social innovation. EIT Health intends to foster cooperation and unlock Europe’s innovation and growth potential – developing and retaining the best talents, creating high-quality jobs and boosting the global competitiveness of European industry. VisAGeS is involved in this project through the Inserm and Inria institutions. Christian Barillot is representing Inria as one expert in the dedicated WG “Healthy Brain”. VisAGeS is also concerned by the WG “big data”.