Section: New Software and Platforms

Integration of EEG and fMRI

Keywords: medical imaging - EEG - fMRI

Functional Description: Related to the project Hemisfer there have been development of new functions, scripts and demos for the acquisition and processing of the EEG and fMRI data in Real-time. These include:

  • Functions for fMRI header info reader, volume reader, motion correction, slice time correction nifty output conversion, real time fMRI initialization, real time fMRI processing, z-score calculation, volume smoother, alignment, etc., functions for real time EEG data acquisition, filtering, power calculation and display.

  • Scripts for various protocols used in offline fMRI experiments, real time processing loop for EEG and fMRI.

  • Demo for real time acquisition of the EEG and fMRI data, demo for real time processing efficiency of the fMRI data, demo for the real time processing of EEG data, real time z-Score for fMRI data.

  • Several small aux functions for I/O interfaces (e.g. com, serial)

In the current stage the prototype also relies on various other free toolboxes (e.g. SPM, pnet).

  • Participants: Marsel Mano, Lorraine Perronnet, Anatole Lecyuer, Christian Barillot.

  • Contact: Marsel Mano

  • International Patent Number: PCT/EP2016/1652279