Section: New Results

EEG and MR Imaging

Multi-Modal EEG and fMRI Source Localization using Sparse Constraints

Participants : Saman Noorzadeh, Pierre Maurel, Christian Barillot.

In this work a multi-modal approach is introduced to estimate the brain neuronal sources based on EEG and fMRI. These two imaging techniques can provide complementary information about the neuronal activities of the brain. Each of these data modalities are first modeled linearly based on the sources. The sources are then estimated with a high spatio-temporal resolution based on a symmetrical integrated approach of these models. For a better estimation, a sparse constraint is also applied to the method based on the physiological knowledge that we have about the brain function. The results which are validated on the real data, shows the reconstruction of neuronal sources with the high spatio-temporal resolution. This is a joint work with Remi Gribonval.

Unimodal versus bimodal EEG-fMRI neurofeedback of a motor imagery task

Participants : Lorraine Perronnet, Marsel Mano, Élise Bannier, Christian Barillot.

In the context of the HEMISFER project, we proposed a simultaneous EEG-fMRI experimental protocol in which 10 healthy participants performed a motor-imagery task in unimodal and bimodal neurofeedback conditions. With this protocol we were able to compare for the first time the effects of unimodal EEG-neurofeedback and fMRI-neurofeedback versus bimodal EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback by looking both at EEG and fMRI activations. We also introduced a new feedback metaphor for bimodal EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback that integrates both EEG and fMRI signal in a single bi-dimensional feedback (a ball moving in 2D). Such a feedback is intended to relieve the cognitive load of the subject by presenting the bimodal neurofeedback task as a single regulation task instead of two. Additionally, this integrated feedback metaphor gives flexibility on defining a bimodal neurofeedback target. Participants were able to regulate activity in their motor regions in all neurofeedback conditions. Moreover, motor activations as revealed by offline fMRI analysis were stronger during EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback than during EEG-neurofeedback. This result suggests that EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback could be more specific or more engaging than EEG-neurofeedback. Our results also suggest that during EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback, participants tended to regulate more the modality that was harder to control. Taken together our results shed light on the specific mechanisms of bimodal EEG-fMRI-neurofeedback and on its added-value as compared to unimodal EEG-neurofeedback and fMRI-neurofeedback.

This work was done in collaboration with the Inria Hybrid and Athena teams. Experiments were conducted at the Neurinfo MRI research facility from University of Rennes 1. This was presented during the poster session of the 2016 Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) conference.

Brain training with Neurofeedback

Participants : Lorraine Perronnet, Christian Barillot.

We published a book chapter called Brain training with Neurofeedback in the book “Brain Computer Interfaces 1: Methods and Perspectives” (published in French and English) [26]. The first section of the chapter defines the concept of neurofeedback and gives an overall view of the current status in this domain. The second section describes the design of a NF training program and the typical course of a NF session, as well as the learning mechanisms underlying NF. The third section retraces the history of NF, explaining the origin of its questionable reputation and providing a foothold for understanding the diversity of existing approaches. The fourth section discusses how the fields of NF and BCIs might potentially overlap in future with the development of "restorative" BCIs. Finally, the fifth and last section presents a few applications of NF and summarizes the state of research of some of its major clinical applications.

Design of an Experimental Platform for Hybrid EEG-fMRI Neurofeedback Studies

Participants : Marsel Mano, Élise Bannier, Lorraine Perronnet, Christian Barillot.

During a neurofeedback (NF) experiment one or more brain activity measuring technologies are used to estimate the changes of the acquired neural signals that reflect the changes of the subject's brain activity in real-time. There exist a variety of NF research applications that use only one type of neural signals (i.e. uni-modal) like EEG or fMRI, but there are very few NF researches that use two or more neural signals (i.e. multi-modal). This is primarily because of the associated technical burdens.

We have developed, installed and successfully conducted used a hybrid EEG-fMRI platform for bi-modal NF experiments, as part of the project Hemisfer. Our system is based on the integration and the synchronization of an MR-compatible EEG and fMRI acquisition subsystems. The EEG signals are acquired with a 64 channel MR-compatible solution from Brain Products and the MR imaging is performed on a 3T Verio Siemens scanner (VB17) with a 12-ch head coil. We have developed two real-time pipelines for EEG and fMRI that handle all the necessary signal processing, the Joint NF module that calculates and fuses the NF and a visualize module that displays the NF to the subject. The control and the synchronization of both subsystems with each-other and with the experimental protocol is handled by the NF Control.

Our platform showed very good real-time performance with various pre-processing, filtering, and NF estimation and visualization methods. The entire fMRI process from acquisition to NF takes always less than 200ms, well below the TR of regular EPI sequences (2s). The same process for EEG, with NF update cycles varying 2-5Hz, is done in virtually real time ( 50Hz). Various NF tasks scenarios for regulating the measured brain activity were tested with subjects. In particular, the platform was used for a NF study on 10 subjects with over 50 sessions using three NF protocols based on motor imagery related brain activity: a) fMRI-NF, b) EEG-NF and c) EEG and fMRI-NF; and two online brain activity regulating protocols without NF. Our hybrid EEG-fMRI NF platform has been a very reliable environment for the NF experiments in our project. Its modular architecture is easily adaptable to different experimental environments, and offers high efficiency for optimal real-time NF applications.