Section: New Results

Developing infrastructure software using Domain Specific Languages

To bootstrap our long-term effort in designing safe and composable domain-specific languages, we have initiated two exploratory actions involving a combination of advanced type-theoretic concepts and domain-specific compilation techniques. Both actions are complementary, the first adopts a bottom-up approach – going from low-level artifacts to high-level abstractions – while the second follows a top-down approach – offering a safe translation of high-level guarantees to low-level executable code.

Our first line of inquiry, of which some early results have been published at FLOPS 2016 [13], aims at bridging the formalization gap between low-level, bit-twiddling code and high-level, mathematical abstractions. As such, it provided us with an opportunity to experiment with using an interactive theorem prover to design abstractions in a bottom-up manner. We have developed a library (ssrbit , publicly available under an open-source license) for modeling and computing with bit vectors in the Coq  [35] proof assistant. Because ease of proving and efficiency in computing are often incompatible objectives, this library offers a two pronged approach by offering an abstract specification for proving and an efficient implementation for computing; we have shown that the latter is correct with respect to the former. Using this model of bit-level operations, we have implemented a bitset library and proved its correctness with respect to the formalization of sets of finite types provided by the Ssreflect library  [43], which is part of the Mathematical Components framework developed at the MSR-Inria joint center. This library thus enables a seamless interaction of sets for computing and sets for proving. This library also supports the trustworthy extraction of bitsets down to OCaml's machine integers: we gained greater confidence in our model by adopting a methodology based on exhaustive testing. This enabled us to implement three bit-twiddling applications in Coq (Bloom filter, n-queens, and the efficient enumeration of all k-combinations of a set), prove their correctness and obtain efficient low-level OCaml code.

Our second line of inquiry is influenced by the realization that domain-specific languages are often treating the symptoms rather than providing a cure. Infrastructure software is often developed in C, which suffers from many semantic kludges and is, as a result, hardly amenable to formal reasoning. Many domain-specific languages are born out of the frustration of being unable to guarantee static properties of one's code: more often than not, the resulting language is little more than a domain-specific variant of Pascal supporting custom static analyses and some form of transliteration to C. To achieve safety and composability, we believe that a more holistic approach is called for, involving not only the design of a domain-specific syntax but also of a domain-specific semantics. Concretely, we are exploring the design of certified domain-specific compilers that integrate, from the ground up, a denotational and domain-specific semantics as part of the design of a domain-specific language. This vision is illustrated by our work on the safe compilation of Coq programs into secure OCaml code [14], [18]. It combines ideas from gradual typing – through which types are compiled into run-time assertions – and the theory of ornaments  [37] – through which Coq datatypes can be related to OCaml datatypes. Within this formal framework, we enable a secure interaction, termed dependent interoperability, between correct-by-construction software and untrusted programs, be it system calls or legacy libraries. To do so, we trade static guarantees for runtime checks, thus allowing OCaml values to be safely coerced to dependently-typed Coq values and, conversely, to expose dependently-typed Coq programs defensively as OCaml programs. Our framework is developed in Coq: it is constructive and verified in the strictest sense of the terms. It thus becomes possible to internalize and hand-tune the extraction of dependently-typed programs to interoperable OCaml programs within Coq itself. This work is part of a collaboration with Eric Tanter, from the University of Chile, and Nicolas Tabareau, from the Ascola Inria project-team.

To further explore the realm of domain-specific compilers, we have been involved in the design and implementation of a certified compiler for the Lustre  [30] synchronous dataflow language. Synchronous dataflow languages are widely used for the design of embedded systems: they allow a high-level description of the system and naturally lend themselves to a hierarchical design. This on-going work, in collaboration with members of the Parkas team and Gallium team of Inria Paris, formalizes the compilation of a synchronous data-flow language into an imperative sequential language, which is eventually translated to Cminor  [54], one of CompCert's intermediate languages. This project illustrates perfectly our methodological position: the design of synchronous dataflow languages is first governed by semantic considerations (Kahn process networks and the synchrony hypothesis) that are then reifed into syntactic artefacts. The implementation of a certified compiler highlights this dependency on semantics, forcing us to give as crisp a semantics as possible for the proof effort to be manageable. This work is part of an on-going collaboration with Marc Pouzet and Tim Bourke, from the Parkas team of Inria Paris, Lionel Rieg, postdoc at Collège de France, and Xavier Leroy, from the Gallium Inria project-team.

In terms of DSL design for domains where correctness is critical, our current focus is on process scheduling and multicore architectures. Ten years ago, we developed Bossa, targeting process scheduling on unicore processors, and primarily focusing on the correctness of a scheduling policy with respect to the requirements of the target kernel. At that time, the main use cases were soft real-time applications, such as video playback. Bossa was and still continues to be used in teaching, because the associated verifications allow a student to develop a kernel-level process scheduling policy without the risk of a kernel crash. Today, however, there is again a need for the development of new scheduling policies, now targeting multicore architectures. As identified by Lozi et al.  [59], large-scale server applications, having specific resource access properties, can exhibit pathological properties when run with the Linux kernel's various load balancing heuristics. We are working on a new domain-specific language, Ipanema, to allow expressing load balancing properties, and to enable verification of critical scheduling properties such as liveness; for the latter, we are exploring the use of tools such as the Z3 theorem prover from Microsoft, and the Leon theorem prover from EPFL. A first version of the language has been designed and we expect to have a prototype of Ipanema working next year. The work around Ipanema is the subject of a very active collaboration between researchers at four institutions (Inria, University of Nice, University of Grenoble, and EPFL (groups of V. Kuncak and W. Zwaenepoel)). Baptiste Lepers (EPFL) will be supported in 2017 as a postdoc as part of the Inria-EPFL joint laboratory.

Finally, in the context of the Multicore IPL, we are working with Jens Gustedt and Mariem Saeid of the Inria Camus project-team on developing a domain-specific language that eases programming with the ordered read-write lock (ORWL) execution model. The goal of this work is to provide a single execution model for parallel programs and to allow them to be deployed on multicore machines with varying architectures [16].