Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Pierre-Évariste Dagand, Distributed cooperating objects, L3, UPMC, France

  • Professional Licence: Bertil Folliot, Programmation C, L2, UPMC, France

  • Professional Licence: Bertil Folliot, Lab projects, L2, UPMC, France


  • PhD in progress : Antoine Blin, CIFRE Renault, Vers une utilisation efficace des multi-coeurs dans des systèmes embarqués à criticités multiples, 30 Janvier 2017, Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Regal)

  • PhD in progress : Mariem Saeid, Jens Gustedt (Camus), soutenance en 2017, Gilles Muller.

  • PhD in progress : Cédric Courtaud, CIFRE Thalès, 2016-2018, Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Regal).

  • PhD in progress : Redha Gouicem, 2016-2018, Gilles Muller, Julien Sopéna (Regal).


  • Pierre-Évariste Dagand: member of the Jury of Mahsa Najafzadeh (UPMC)

  • Julia Lawall: PhD reporter for Pierre Wilke (Rennes), Alan Charpentier (Bordeaux), Guido Lena Cota (Milan, defense in 2017), Krishna Narasimhan (Frankfurt, defense in 2017). PhD jury for Ripon Saha (UT Austin).

  • Gilles Muller: President of the PhD thesis of T. Tigori (U. of Nantes), Member of the Jury of V. Trigonakis (EPFL, Switzerland), Reporter of the PhD of A. Walker (U. of New South Wales, Australia).