Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Together with J. Cortés (LAAS/CNRS, Toulouse), and C. Robert (IBPC/CNRS, Paris), we launched and have been organizing the Winter Schools series Algorithms in Structural Bio-informatics. These schools are meant to train PhD students and post-docs on advanced algorithmic techniques in structural biology. The 2017 Edition, which took place at the CNRS center in Cargese, focused on Protein design, see It attracted 40 participants from worldwide institutions.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of Conference Program Committees
– Frédéric Cazals was member of the following program committees:
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), PC member of Protein Interactions & Molecular Networks
ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
– Frédéric Cazals gave the following invited talks:
Beyond two-sample-tests: localizing data discrepancies in high-dimensional spaces, NIPS workshop of Topological Data Analysis, Los Angeles, December 2017.
Modeling in structural bioinformatics: the tryptic structure - dynamics - function, GDR Bioinformatique moléculaire, Paris, November 2017.
Modèles géométriques pour la prédiction des interactions macro-moléculaires, seminar for the course Géométrie algorithmique Données, Modèles, Programmes, by Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Chaire d'informatique et sciences numériques, Collège de France, March 2017.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
– Frédéric Cazals:
2010-.... Member of the steering committee of the GDR Bioinformatique Moleculaire, for the Structure and macro-molecular interactions theme.
2017-.... Co-chair, with Yann Ponty, of the working group / groupe de travail (GT MASIM - Méthodes Algorithmiques pour les Structures et Interactions Macromoléculaires, within the GDR de BIoinformatique Moléculaire (GDR BIM,
Research Administration
– Frédéric Cazals:
2017-.... President of the Comité de suivi doctoral (CSD), Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée. The CSD supervises all aspects of PhD student's life within Inria sophia antipolis.
– Dorian Mazauric: