Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria International Partners
Informal International Partners
C. Prieur collaborates with Jose R. Leon (UCV, Central University of Caracas), who was funded by the international Inria chair program. He moved in June 2017 to Montevideo, Uruguay, and the collaboration goes on.
C. Prieur is collaborating with AC Favre (LTHE, Grenoble) in the framework of a two-years canadian funding from CFQCU (Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire) 2015-2016.
F. Lemarié and L. Debreu collaborate with Hans Burchard from the Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung in Warnemünde (Germany).
F. Lemarié and L. Debreu collaborate with Knut Klingbeil from the Dept. of Mathematics of the University of Hamburg (Germany).
Participation in Other International Programs
International Initiatives
Title: Statistical inference for dependent stochastic processes and application in renewable energy
See also:
We want to develop, apply and study the properties of statistical tools in several non-parametric models, segmentation models, time series and random fields models, and to study some classes of long-range dependent processes, for their possible application in renewable energies and other domains. In particular non-parametric statistical procedure in Markov switching non-linear autoregressive models, finite mixture, non-parametric functional test and non-parametric estimators in stochastic damping Hamiltonian systems will be considered. Statistical tools for segmenting dependent multiples series, censoring processes in time series models and a new model interpolation scheme will be studied.