Section: New Results

Context-Enhanced NLP tools building

Participants : Djamé Seddah, Julie Tytgat, Florian Gouret, Yann-Alan Pilatte.

The ANR Parsiti project also aims to explore the interaction of extra-linguistic context and speech acts. Exploiting extra-linguistics context highlights the benefits of expanding the scope of current NLP tools beyond unit boundaries. These information can be of spatial temporal nature for example, and have been shown to improve Entity Linking over social media streams (fang2014entity). In our case, we decided to focus on a closed world scenario in order to study context and speech acts interaction. We built a multimodal data set made of live sessions of a first person shooter video game (Alien vs Predator) where we transcribed all human players interactions and face expressions streamlined with a log of all in-game events linked to the video recording of the game session, as well as the recording of the human players themselves. The in-games events are ontologically organized and enable the modelling of the extra-linguistics context with different level of granularity. Recorded over many games sessions, we transcribed over 2 hours of speech that will serve as a basis for exploratory work, needed for the prototyping of our context-enhanced nlp tools.