Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Frederic Hecht: Organized the 9th FreeFem++ days (December 2017, Paris)
Xavier Claeys was main organiser (together with S. Fliss, B. Delourme and J. Diaz) of the 3 days colloquium "Waves Diffracted by Patrick Joly", in honour of P. Joly's 60th birthday, that took place in Saclay and Gif-sur-Yvette.
Xavier Claeys and Frédéric Nataf were the main organisers (together with V. Dolean) of a workshop on "Numerical methods for wave propagation and applications" held in Jussieu campus of UPMC on 31st of August and 1st of September.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Laura Grigori
March 2014 – current. Member of the editorial board for the SIAM book series Software, Environments and Tools. See
June 2013 – current. Area editor for Parallel Computing Journal, Elsevier
January 2016 – current. Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.
January 2017 – current. Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications.
January 2016 – current. Editorial board, Numerical linear algebra with applications Journal, Wiley.
Frédéric Nataf
Invited Talks
Laura Grigori: Keynote speaker, 46th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2017),, Bristol, UK, August 14-17, 2017.
Laura Grigori: Keynote speaker, Power-Aware Computing Workshop - PACO2017,, July 2017, Germany.
Laura Grigori: Plenary talk, Householder Symposium XX on Numerical linear algebra,, June 2017, Virginia Tech.
Laura Grigori: Invited plenary speaker, International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods DD XXIV,, February 2017, Longyearbyen, Norway.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Laura Grigori: Chair of the SIAM SIAG on Supercomputing (SIAM special interest group on supercomputing), January 2016 - December 2017. Nominated by a Committee and elected by the members of this SIAG.
Laura Grigori: Member of the PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, Scientific Steering Committee, September 2016 - current.
Laura Grigori: Steering committee member, Challenge 7: Information and communication society, ANR (Comité de Pilotage , Défi 7), November 2016 - September 2017.
Scientific Expertise
Laura Grigori: November 2015 - current, expert to the Scientific Commission of IFPEN (French Petroleum Institute). Evaluation of research programs, PhD theses, work representing a total of 5 days per year.
Xavier Claeys was member of a hiring committee for a position of maître de conférence in section CNU 60/61 for the Institut de Recherche de Coordination Acoustique et Musicale (IRCAM) and Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie Paris 6, in Spring 2017.