New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Discriminants of complete intersection space curves

Participant : Laurent Busé.

In [19], we develop a new approach to the discriminant of a complete intersection curve in the 3-dimensional projective space. By relying on the resultant theory, we first prove a new formula that allows us to define this discriminant without ambiguity and over any commutative ring, in particular in any characteristic. This formula also provides a new method for evaluating and computing this discriminant efficiently, without the need to introduce new variables as with the well-known Cayley trick. Then, we obtain new properties and computational rules such as the covariance and the invariance formulas. Finally, we show that our definition of the discriminant satisfies to the expected geometric property and hence yields an effective smoothness criterion for complete intersection space curves. Actually, we show that in the generic setting, it is the defining equation of the discriminant scheme if the ground ring is assumed to be a unique factorization domain.

This is a joint work with Ibrahim Nonkané (University of Ouaga II).