New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

High-dimensional approximate r-nets

Participants : Ioannis Emiris, Ioannis Psarros.

The construction of r-nets offers a powerful tool in computational and metric geometry. In [17], we focus on high-dimensional spaces and present a new randomized algorithm which efficiently computes approximate r-nets with respect to Euclidean distance. For any fixed ϵ>0, the approximation factor is 1+ϵ and the complexity is polynomial in the dimension and subquadratic in the number of points. The algorithm succeeds with high probability. More specifically, the best previously known LSH-based construction is improved in terms of complexity by reducing the dependence on ϵ, provided that ϵ is sufficiently small. Our method does not require LSH but, instead, follows Valiant's (2015) approach in designing a sequence of reductions of our problem to other problems in different spaces, under Euclidean distance or inner product, for which r-nets are computed efficiently and the error can be controlled. Our result immediately implies efficient solutions to a number of geometric problems in high dimension, such as finding the (1+ϵ)-approximate kth nearest neighbor distance in time subquadratic in the size of the input.

Joint with G. Avarikioti, L. Kavouras.