Section: New Results
Network and Graph Algorithms
Tight bounds on vertex connectivity under sampling
Participant : George Giakkoupis.
A fundamental result by Karger (SODA 1994) states that for any -edge-connected graph with nodes, independently sampling each edge with probability results in a graph that has edge connectivity , with high probability. In [15], we proved the analogous result for vertex connectivity, when either vertices or edges are sampled. We showed that for any -vertex-connected graph with nodes, if each node is independently sampled with probability , then the subgraph induced by the sampled nodes has vertex connectivity , with high probability. If edges are sampled with probability then the sampled subgraph has vertex connectivity , with high probability. Both bounds are existentially optimal.
This work was done in collaboration with Keren Censor-Hillel (Technion), Mohsen Ghaffari (MIT), Bernhard Haeupler (Carnegie Mellon University), and Fabian Kuhn (University of Freiburg).
Tight bounds for coalescing-branching random walks on regular graphs
Participant : George Giakkoupis.
A coalescing-branching random walk (Cobra) is a natural extension to the standard random walk on a graph. The process starts with one pebble at an arbitrary node. In each round of the process every pebble splits into pebbles, which are sent to random neighbors. At the end of the round all pebbles at the same node coalesce into a single pebble. The process is also similar to randomized rumor spreading, with each informed node pushing the rumor to random neighbors each time it receives a copy of the rumor. Besides its mathematical interest, this process is relevant as an information dissemination primitive and a basic model for the spread of epidemics.
In [25] we studied the cover time of Cobra walks, which is the time until each node has seen at least one pebble. Our main result is a bound of rounds with high probability on the cover time of a Cobra walk with on any regular graph with nodes and conductance . This bound improves upon all previous bounds in terms of graph expansion parameters. Moreover, we showed that for any connected regular graph the cover time is with high probability, independently of the expansion. Both bounds are asymptotically tight.
This work was done in collaboration with Petra Berenbrink (University of Hamburg), Peter Kling (University of Hamburg).