Section: Application Domains
Enterprise Information Systems and Services
Large IT infrastructures typically evolve by adding new third-party or internally-developed components, but also frequently by integrating already existing information systems. Integration frequently requires the addition of glue code that mediates between different software components and infrastructures but may also consist in more invasive modifications to implementations, in particular to implement crosscutting functionalities. In more abstract terms, enterprise information systems are subject to structuring problems involving horizontal composition (composition of top-level functionalities) as well as vertical composition (reuse and sharing of implementations among several top-level functionalities). Moreover, information systems have to be more and more dynamic.
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) that is frequently used for solving some of the integration problems discussed above. Indeed, service-oriented computing has two main advantages:
Loose-coupling: services are autonomous: they do not require other services to be executed;
Ease of integration: Services communicate over standard protocols.
Our current work is based on the following observation: similar to other compositional structuring mechanisms, SOAs are subject to the problem of crosscutting functionalities, that is, functionalities that are scattered and tangled over large parts of the architecture and the underlying implementation. Security functionalities, such as access control and monitoring for intrusion detection, are a prime example of such a functionality in that it is not possible to modularize security issues in a well-separated module. Aspect-Oriented Software Development is precisely an application-structuring method that addresses in a systemic way the problem of the lack of modularization facilities for crosscutting functionalities.
We are considering solutions to secure SOAs by providing an aspect-oriented structuring and programming model that allows security functionalities to be modularized. Two levels of research have been identified:
Service level: as services can be composed to build processes, aspect weaving will deal with the orchestration and the choreography of services.
Implementation level: as services are abstractly specified, aspect weaving will require to extend service interfaces in order to describe the effects of the executed services on the sensitive resources they control.