Section: New Results
Software engineering
Security and privacy
This year, we have developed new results on the security and privacy of cloud systems on all layers of abstraction: a first notion of distributed side-channel attacks on the system-level, privacy-aware middleware storage systems and accountability specifications and implementations on the application level.
System-level security for virtualized environments
Isolation on the system-level is a core security challenge for Cloud infrastructures. Similarly, fog and edge infrastructures are based on virtualization to share physical resources among several self-contained execution environments like virtual machines and containers. Yet, isolation may be threatened due to side-channels, created by the virtualization layer or due to the sharing of physical resources like the processor. Side-channel attacks (SCAs) exploit and use such leaky channels to obtain sensitive data. Previous SCAs are local and exploit isolation challenges of virtualized environments to retrieve sensitive information. We have introduced, as a first, the concept of distributed side-channel attack (DSCA) that is based on coordinating local attack techniques. We have explored how such attacks can threaten isolation of any virtualized environments such as fog and edge computing. Finally, we have proposed a first set of applicable countermeasures for attack mitigation of DSCAs. [14], [44]
In [24] we presented how the increasing adoption of cloud environments operated with virtualization technology opened the way to a promising hypervisor-based security monitoring approach named Virtual Machine Introspection (VMI). We investigated in Kbin-ID the application of binary code introspection at hypervisor level and analysis mechanisms on all VM kernel binary code, namely all kernel functions, to widely narrow the semantic gap in an automatic and largely OS independent way. Kbin-ID [40] is a novel hypervisor-based main kernel binary code disassembler which enables the hypervisor to locate all VM main kernel binary code and divide it into code blocks given only the address of one arbitrary kernel instruction. In [24] we presented a security use case, we are able to detect running processes that are hidden from Linux task list and ps command output, and more generally that our solution can be used for designing easily automatic and largely kernel portable VMI applications that detect and safely react against malicious activities thanks to the instrumentation of kernel functions.
Privacy-Aware Data Storage.
In [34] we propose a cloud storage service that protects the privacy of users by breaking user documents into blocks in order to spread them on several cloud providers. As cloud providers only own a part of the blocks and they do not know the block organization, they can not read user documents. Moreover, the storage service connects directly users and cloud providers without using a third-party as is generally the practice in cloud storage services. Consequently, users do not give critical information (security keys, passwords, etc.) to a third-party.
Accountability for Cloud applications.
Nowadays we are witnessing the democratization of cloud services, as a result, more and more end-users (individuals and businesses) are using these services in their daily life. In such scenarios, personal data is generally flowed between several entities. end-users need to be aware of the management, processing, storage and retention of personal data, and to have necessary means to hold service providers accountable for the use of their data. In Walid Benghabrit's thesis we present an accountability framework called Accountability Laboratory (AccLab) that allows to consider accountability from design time to implementation. We developed a language called Abstract Accountability Language (AAL) that allows to write obligations and accountability policies. This language is based on a formal logic called First Order Linear Temporal Logic (FOTL) which allows to check the consistency of the accountability policies and the compliance between two policies. These policies are translated into a temporal logic called FO-DTL 3, which is associated to a monitoring technique based on formula rewriting. Finally we developed a monitoring tool called Accountability Monitoring (AccMon) which provides means to monitor accountability policies in the context of a real system. These policies are based on FO-DTL 3 logic and the framework can act in both centralized and distributed modes and can run in on-line and off-line modes.
Accountability means to obey a contract and to ensure responsibilities in case of violations. In previous work we defined the Abstract Accountability Language and its AccLab tool support. In order to evaluate the suitability of our language and tool we experiment with the laptop user agreement, one of the policies of the Hope University in Liverpool. While this experiment is still incomplete we are able to draw some preliminary conclusions. The use of FOTL is rather tricky and the only existing prover is not maintained we think to target a first-order logic approach in the future. Natural specifications have traditional issues, for instance missing information, noises, ambiguities etc. But in case of these policies we can say much more. The information system is missing but also most of the details about the auditing process and the rectification aspects (sanction, compensation, explanation, etc). There is also a mixture of proper user behavior with the usage policy which confuses the specifier. A mean to structure the specification is important, we suggest to use templates, and it is also convenient to capture usage and accountability practices.
Software development and programming languages
Industrial Internet
In [19], we present a first “vision” paper toward Cloud Manufacturing. More precisely we try to reconsider relationships between Cloud Computing and Cloud Manufacturing based on basic definitions and historical evolution of both worlds. History shows many relations between computer science and manufacturing processes, starting with the initial idea of “digital manufacturing” in the '70s. Since then, advances in computer science have given birth to the Cloud Computing (CC) paradigm, where computing resources are seen as a service offered to various end-users. Of course, CC has been used as such to improve the IT infrastructure associated to a manufacturing infrastructure, but its principles have also inspired a new manufacturing paradigm Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) with the perspective of many benefits for both the manufacturers and their customers. However, despite the usefulness of CC for CMfg, we advocate that considering CC as a core enabling technology for CMfg, as is often put forth in the literature, is limited and should be reconsidered. This paper presents a new core-enabling vision toward CMfg, called Cloud Anything (CA). CA is based on the idea of abstracting low-level resources, beyond computing resources, into a set of core control building blocks providing the grounds on top of which any domain could be “cloudified”.
Cloud and HPC programming
In [43], we deal with testing reproducibility in the context of Cloud elasticity, which requires control of the elasticity behavior, the possibility to select specific resources to be allocated/unallocated, and the coordination of events parallel to the elasticity process. We propose an approach fulfilling those requirements in order to make elasticity testing reproducible. To validate our approach, we perform three experiments on representative bugs on MongoDB and Zookeeper Cloud applications, where our approach succeeds in reproducing all the bugs.
In [7], the Multi-Stencil Framework (MSF) is presented. Even though this framework is applied on HPC numerical simulations, this work can be transposed to many different domains, for instance smart-* applications of Fog and Edge computing infrastructures, where heterogeneity of computations and programming models have to be handled. As the computation power of modern high performance architectures increases, their heterogeneity and complexity also become more important. One of the big challenges of exascale is to reach programming models that give access to high performance computing (HPC) to many scientists and not only to a few HPC specialists. One relevant solution to ease parallel programming for scientists is Domain Specific Language (DSL). However, one problem to avoid with DSLs is to mutualized existing codes and libraries instead of implementing each solution from scratch. For example, this phenomenon occurs for stencil-based numerical simulations, for which a large number of languages has been proposed without code reuse between them. The Multi-Stencil Framework (MSF) presented in this paper combines a new DSL to component-based programming models to enhance code reuse and separation of concerns in the specific case of stencils. MSF can easily choose one parallelization technique or another, one optimization or another, as well as one back-end implementation or another. It is shown that MSF can reach same performances than a non component-based MPI implementation over 16.384 cores. Finally, the performance model of the framework for hybrid parallelization is validated by evaluations.