Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair

O. Bernard is the Chair of the next CAB conference (CAB 2019 in Brazil).

Member of the Organizing Committees

J.-L. Gouzé is a member of the scientific committee of several summer schools.

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • O. Bernard is in the technical committee of the Computer Applied to Biotechnology (CAB) conferences, of the FOSBE conference (Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering) and of the Algae Europe conference.

  • M. Chaves is a member of the program committee of JOBIM 2018 (Marseille).

  • J.-L. Gouzé is a member of the program committee for the conference POSTA (Italy, China).


All BIOCORE members have been reviewers for the major 2017 conferences in our field: CDC, ECC, IFAC World Congress,...


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • V. Baldazzi has been editor of the volume 1182 of Acta Horticulturae on the 'Proceedings of the V International Symposium on Models for Plant Growth, Environment Control and Farming Management in Protected Cultivation (Hortimodel2016)'.

  • M. Chaves is an Associated Editor of SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS), since January 2015

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

All BIOCORE members have been reviewers for the major journals in our field: Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Journal of Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences, New Phytologist,...

Invited Talks

  • O. Bernard was invited to give a conference on microalgae at Ecole Centrale de Paris (“Biotechnological challenge”) `Use of microorganisms for biofuel production” (January, 16th, 2017).

  • O. Bernard was invited to do a presentation at the AlgaEurope conference 2017 (December, 5th - 7th, Berlin, D) "`Potential of evolution engineering for enhancing productivity of microalgae"'.

  • O. Bernard was invited for an oral presentation at the 1st IWA Conference on Algal Technologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery conference 2017 (Delft, 16th - 17th, Delft, NL) "The role played by predators in a high rate algal pond for wastewater treatment".

  • M. Chaves was an invited speaker at the Workshop on Molecular Logic, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal (June 2017).

  • S. Touzeau was invited to give a talk at the MADEV 17 “Mathématiques Appliquées à des questions de DEVeloppement” International Conference, organised by the French “Académie des Sciences” and the Moroccan “Académie Hassan II des Sciences et Techniques”, Rabat, Morocco (October 2017).

Scientific Expertise

  • O. Bernard is a member of the scientific committee of the companies Inalve and BioEnTech.

  • J.-L. Gouzé was in several evaluation committees or juries: FWO, NWO, FNRS...

Research Administration

  • O. Bernard represents Inria at the ANCRE (Alliance Nationale de Coordination de la Recherche pour l'Energie), in the biomass committee. He is a member of the ADT (Technological Development Actions) at Inria.

  • M. Chaves is a member of the COST-GTRI (working group on International Relations at Inria's council for scientific and technological orientation). The group is charged with evaluating Inria's Associated Teams as well as some project proposals (EuroMed 3+3), and ERCIM post-docs. She is also member of the CLHSCT (local committee for the safety of working conditions)

  • J.-L. Gouzé is in the Inria committee supervising the doctoral theses, and a member of the scientific committee of Labex SIGNALIFE of the University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, and of COREBIO PACA. He is in the scientific committee of Académie 4 of UCA-Jedi. He is a member of the board of the SFBT (French Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology).

  • F. Grognard is a member of the NICE committee, which allocates post-doctoral grants and fundings for visiting scientists at Inria Sophia Antipolis. He is a member of the scientific committee of the doctoral school "Sciences de la Vie" at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis. Since 2015, F. Grognard is a member of the MBIA CSS (Specialised Scientific Commission), in charge of the research scientists evaluation at INRA. He is a member of the steering committee of Academy 3, Space, Environment, Risk & Resilience of UCA-JEDI.

  • L. Mailleret is the head of the M2P2 team (Models and Methods for Plant Protection) of ISA. He's in the scientific council of Institut Sophia Agrobiotech.

  • S. Touzeau is a member of the steering committee of the metaprogramme SMaCH Sustainable Management of Crop Health, INRA (since 2016).