Section: Dissemination


  • The activities related to microalgae have generated many articles in national newspapers (Le Monde, Nice Matin, ,...), and broadcasts on national TV (France 3).

  • O. Bernard gave a popularization conference “Will we drive with fuels brought algae in 2030?” in the framework of the “science for all” cycle of conferences organized by the city of Biot. 30th of March, 2017.

  • P. Bernhard has been involved in popularization of applied mathematics with two highschool conferences: Lycée Alexandre Dumas, Cavaillon and Centre International de Valbonne, Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis, on January 10 and 11 respectively.

  • M. Chaves gave a “180s” presentation “A mathematical tool for determining the dynamics of biological modules interconnection”, at Journées Scientifiques Inria, Sophia Antipolis (June 2017).

  • M. Chaves gave a presentation on circadian clocks at Café-in, for all Inria personnel, at Inria Sophia Antipolis (October 2017).