Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

Inria Chile

Associate Team involved in the International Lab:

  • Title: Modeling and control for energy producing bioprocesses

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • CIRIC (Chile) - Mélaine Gautier

    • PUCV (Chile) - Escuela de Ingenieria Bioquimica (EIB) - David Jeison

    • UTFSM (Chile) - Departamento de Matematica - Pedro Gajardo

    • Univ. Chile (Chile) - Centro de modelacion matematica - Hector Ramirez

  • Inria coordinator: O. Bernard

  • Start year: 2017

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/eagreencore/

  • The worldwide increasing energy needs together with the ongoing demand for CO2 neutral fuels represent a renewed strong driving force for the production of energy derived from biological resources. In this scenario, the culture of oleaginous microalgae for biofuel and the anaerobic digestion to turn wastes into methane may offer an appealing solution. The main objective of our proposal is to join our expertise and tools, regarding these bioprocesses, in order to implement models and control strategies aiming to manage and finally optimize these key bioprocesses of industrial importance. By joining our expertise and experimental set-up, we want to demonstrate that closed loop control laws can significantly increase the productivity, ensure the bioprocess stability and decrease the environmental footprint of these systems. This project gathers experts in control theory and optimization (BIOCORE, UTFSM) together with experts in bioprocesses (PUCV and CMM) and software development (CIRIC).


Associate Team involved in the International Lab:

  • Title: Epidemiological Modeling and Control for Tropical Agriculture

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Université de Douala (Cameroon) - Mathematics Department - Samuel Bowong

  • Inria coordinator: S. Touzeau

  • Start year: 2017

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/epitag/

  • EPITAG gathers French and Cameroonian researchers, with a background in dynamical systems and control and with an interest in crop diseases. Crop pests and pathogens are responsible for considerable yield losses. Their control is hence a major issue, especially in Cameroon, where agriculture is an important sector in terms of revenues and employment. To help design efficient strategies for integrated pest management, mathematical models are particularly relevant. Our main objective is to study the epidemiology and management of tropical crop diseases, with a focus on Cameroon and Sub-Saharan Africa. Our approach consists in developing and analysing dynamical models describing plant-parasite interactions, in order to better understand, predict and control the evolution of damages in crops. To ensure the relevance of our models, “end users” will be closely associated. We will focus on three pathosystems: cocoa plant mirids, coffee berry borers and plantain plant-parasitic nematodes.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Univ. Ben Gurion : Microalgal Biotechnology Lab (IL), Member of the ESSEM COST Action ES1408 European network for algal-bioproducts (EUALGAE). Modeling of photosynthesis.

Participation in Other International Programs

Biocore is involved in the IFCAM project, with India, PULSPOP "PULses in Spatial POPulation dynamics" (2016-2017) whose partners are Institut Sophia Agrobiotech and National Institute of Technology, Meghalya (India). This project financed the visit of Bapan Ghosh to ISA and BIOCORE, and the visit of Nicolas Bajeux to India.