Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Mathieu Hoyrup is member of the Steering Committee of the Conference Series Computability in Europe (CiE) for the period 2017-2021.
Member of the Organizing Committees
Mathieu Hoyrup organized the workshop Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms (CCC) 2017, Nancy, June 2017.
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Mathieu Hoyrup was co-chair of the workshop Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms (CCC) 2017, Nancy, June 2017.
Emmanuel Jeandel was PC member of STACS 2017 ( and CIE 2017 (
Romain Péchoux is PC member of the ETAPS affiliated workshop DICE 2018 (
Simon Perdrix was PC member of QPL'17 (14th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic, 2017, Nijmegen, the Netherlands) ; IQFA'17 (Quantum Information: Foundations and Applications, 8th IQFA's Colloquium, 2017, Nice, France). He is PC member of the forthcoming MCU'18 (8th Conference on Machines, Computations and Universality) and DCM'18 (12th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models, FLoC 2018, Oxford, UK).
Member of the Editorial Boards
Emmanuel Jeandel is member of the editorial board of RAIRO-ITA.
Simon Perdrix is co-editor of the ERCIM issue on Quantum Computing.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Mathieu Hoyrup reviewed articles for Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Theory of Computing Systems, Mathematical Reviews.
Romain Péchoux reviewed articles for Journal of Automated Reasoning and AMS Mathematical Reviews.
Nazim Fatès served as a reviewer for Natural computing and Theoretical computer science.
Invited Talks
Emmanuel Jeandel gave a course on Computability in Symbolic Dynamics on the Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop,
Emmanuel Jeandel gave a course on the Undecidability of the Domino Problem in the Winter School “Tiling Dynamical System” in Marseille,
Emmanuel Jeandel gave an invited talk on Higman-like theorems in symbolic dynamics at Logic Colloquium 2017,
Romain Péchoux gave an invited talk on Higher order interpretations for higher order programs, cs department, Trinity College, Dublin.
Simon Perdrix gave an invited talk on Measurement-based quantum computation at QPL'17 (14th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic, 2017).
Simon Perdrix gave an invited talk on quantum algorithms at the event "l'Ordinateur Quantique" organised at IHP by the Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Nazim Fatès is the vice-chair of the IFIP international working group 1.5 on Cellular automata and discrete dynamical systems.
Simon Perdrix is
head of the GT IQ (groupe de Travail Informatique Quantique) @ GdR IM.
board of GdR IQFA (Ingénierie Quantique, des aspects Fondamentaux aux Applications).
Scientific Expertise
Nazim Fatès was a project reviewer for the CONYCIT, the Chilean state agency for scientific research.