Section: New Results
Optimal control of a coupled partial and ordinary differential equations system for the assimilation of polarimetry Stokes vector measurements in tokamak free-boundary equilibrium reconstruction with application to ITER
Participant : Blaise Faugeras.
The modelization of polarimetry Faraday rotation measurements commonly used in tokamak plasma equilibrium reconstruction codes is an approximation to the Stokes model. This approximation is not valid for the foreseen ITER scenarios where high current and electron density plasma regimes are expected. In this work a method enabling the consistent resolution of the inverse equilibrium reconstruction problem in the framework of non-linear free-boundary equilibrium coupled to the Stokes model equation for polarimetry is provided. Using optimal control theory we derive the optimality system for this inverse problem. A sequential quadratic programming (SQP) method is proposed for its numerical resolution. Numerical experiments with noisy synthetic measurements in the ITER tokamak configuration for two test cases, the second of which is an H-mode plasma, show that the method is efficient and that the accuracy of the identification of the unknown profile functions is improved compared to the use of classical Faraday measurements.
In the framework of JET Task T17-15, the method has been implemented in the new code NICE and equilibrium reconstruction studies using real JET measurements are currently being performed.