Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Research Stays Abroad
In the context of the project with HP Inc Labs, Ronny Chevalier and Guillaume Hiet collaborate with the security team of HP Labs in Bristol. They are working more specifically with David Plaquin and Maugan Villatel, who are co-authors of the article published at ASCAC. Ronny Chevalier has spent 3 monts to HP Labs at Bristol.
Mounir Nasr Allah is currently visiting ARM R&D labs at Cambridge for 6 months in the context of the HardBlare project. This visit has been funded by the EIT Digital Doctoral School Program. He is working with Alastair Reid on the use of formal methods to prove that some hardware security mechanisms of ARM embedded processors effectively enforce information flow policies.
Mourad Leslous did an international mobility of three months at the Technical University of Munich, in the team of Professor Alexander Pretschner. This mobility was part of the program of EIT Digital Doctoral School, a European institute that promotes entrepreneurship and innovation among PhD students. During this mobility, he worked on control flow and data flow dependencies in order to detect the malicious code inside Android applications.