Section: New Software and Platforms
Keywords: Android - Detection - Malware
Scientific Description: GroddDroid automates the dynamic analysis of a malware. When a piece of suspicious code is detected, groddDroid interacts with the user interface and eventually forces the execution of the identified code. Using Blare (Information Flow Monitor), GroddDroid monitors how an execution contaminates the operating system. The output of GroddDroid can be visualized in an web browser. GroddDroid is used by the Kharon software.
Functional Description: GroddDroid 1 - locates suspicious code in Android application 2 - computes execution paths towards suspicious code 3 - forces executions of suspicious code 4 - automate the execution of a malware or a regular Android application
News Of The Year: In 2017, GroddDroid has integrated the work of Mourad Leslous, who have implemented GFinder. GPFinder improves the computation of control flow paths by taking into account the Android framework. The end of the year has been used to clean the code and to improves the graphical interface.