Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Operating Systems: Advanced Programming, 90h ETD, Level L2, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS;
Data Structures and Algorithms, 54h ETD, Level L2, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS;
Distributed Programming, 51h ETD, Level L2, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS;
Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity, 30h ETD, Level L3, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS;
IT foundations, 26h ETD, Level L1, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS;
Digital culture, 10h ETD, Level L3, IUT Nice Côte d’Azur, UNS.
Ph.D. theses
PhD: Nicolas Huin, Energy efficient software defined networks, Université Côte d'Azur, September 28, 2017. Co-supervisors: Frédéric Giroire, Dino Lopez (Signet, I3S).
PhD in progress: Fionn McInerney, Combinatorial Games in Graphs, since October 2016. Supervisor: Nicolas Nisse.
PhD in progress: William Lochet, Substructures in digraphs, since September 2015. Co-supervisors: Frédéric Havet and Stéphan Thomassé (ÉNS Lyon).
PhD in progress: Yelena Yuditsky, School of Computer Science, McGill University. Supervisor: Bruce Reed.
PhD in progress: Andrea Tomassilli, Diffusion of information on large dynamic graphs, since October 2016. Supervisors: Stéphane Pérennes and Frédéric Giroire.
PhD in progress: Thibaud Trolliet, Exploring Trust on Twitter, since October 2017. Co-supervisors: Arnaud Legout (DIANA) and Frédéric Giroire.
PhD (stopped for reorientation): Steven Roumajon, Les déterminants de la compétitivité régionale : données microéconomiques et réseaux d'innovation, from November 2015 until June 2017. Co-supervisors: Patrick Musso (Gredeg) and Frédéric Giroire.
Institution: Master 2, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (India)
Co-supervisors: David Coudert, Dmitrii Pasechnik (University of Oxford, UK)
Subject: Modular decomposition of graphs in Sagemath
Institution: Master 2, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Co-supervisors: David Coudert, Dmitrii Pasechnik (University of Oxford, UK)
Subject: Modular decomposition of directed graphs in Sagemath
Last-year internships
President of the jury for the 2017 award “Charles Delorme” for the best PhD thesis in graph theory (;
Member of the jury Robertval (
Referee and member of the PhD jury of Lorenzo Severini, GSSI, L'Aquila, Italy, April 20, 2017;
President of the PhD jury of Guillaume Perez, Université Côte d'Azur, September 29, 2017;
External referee in the PhD thesis monitoring committee of M. Amine Ait-Ouahmed, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, October 27, 2017;
External referee for authorizing Fen Zhou to enroll in the HDR program, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, November 2017.
Member of the PhD jury of Pedro Montealegre, Univ. Orléans, February 28, 2017;
Member of the PhD jury of Sylvain Legay, Univ. Paris Saclay, March 1, 2017;
Referee and member of the PhD jury of Noël Gillet, Université Bordeaux, March 10, 2017;
Referee and member of the PhD jury of Antoine Naudin, Aix-Marseille Université, October 25, 2017.